Tips to Help you Adjust to the New Normal
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Tips to Help you Adjust to the New Normal
One thing that is certain, we know that adjusting to change can be challenging. But be it planned or unplanned, gradual or sudden, change is inevitable and very much part of being human. Over the past few months, we’ve experienced an unprecedented shift in our way of life due to COVID-19. We were introduced to the omnipresent implementation of social distancing which led to the worldwide lockdown.
Here are the tips to help you adjust to the new normal-
Keep mask and gloves handy-
Since the start of the spread of the pandemic, masks and gloves were the new essentials to fight and survive the pandemic. Providing the need to maintain higher standards of personal hygiene they have also seen as making fashion statements. The pandemic paradigm has changed the face of public transportation for long distance travel . While hugs and handshakes were required to greet when meeting someone, now it’s best to join hands to say hello – a method adopted by Britain’s Prince Charles in recent Prince’s Trust Awards.
Patience is the key-
From standing in long queues to buy groceries to waiting for an internet connection to be restored for online work from home, it is time to befriend patience. However misleading and absurd the concept of social distancing is, do not forget to stay connected with loved ones through various online mediums and keep a close tab on them.
Be kind or be quite-
While trying to stay connected to the friends afar, do not forget the ones living close to you. Adjusting your expectations, being kind and respectful are some of the new habits you need to inculcate if you are not accustomed to sharing your space with your family. Be mindful of their needs and give them their space that you seek for yourself.
Let your thoughts speak to you-
Maintain a journal and write daily before going to bed, make note of your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Do not forget to mention five things you are grateful for.
Take a breather with your mask on-
And lastly, give yourself a breather. Limit your social media exposure to enhance your wellbeing. Take up new hobbies, learn new languages, enroll for online courses made available by top Universities across the world
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