Tags : employee verificationemployee verification card
Employee Verification Card: Empowering Your Business with Authenticity Welcome to the future of business identity verification, brought to you by Skilling India’s Smart Employment Exchange. In an age where security and trust are paramount, ensuring that your field staff’s identity is verified and authenticated is crucial for boosting business conversions. Why Choose the Employee Verification
Tags : job fairrojgar mela
Bengaluru Employment Mela: Karnataka Skill Development Corporation’s Job Fair On January 7th And 8th . The Karnataka Skill Development Corporation is ushering in the new year with an opportunity for job seekers in Bengaluru by hosting the inaugural job fair of 2025. Date : January 7 and 8, 2025 Time : 9 am to
म्हैस आपल्या रेडकूपासून दूर पाठ करून बसते, जरी रेडकु जवळ कुत्रा आला तरी ती त्याला वाचवणार नाही. या उलट गाईच्या कालवडीकडे अनोळखी व्यक्ती जरी आला (वाघ असला तरीही), गाय जीव देईल, पण ती जिवंत असताना, ती आपल्या बाळावर आच येऊ देणार नाही. त्यामुळेच गायीच्या दुधात आपुलकी गुण मुबलक आहे. म्हशीला घाण आवडते, चिखलात देखील बसेल.
महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील महिलांच्या आर्थिक स्वातंत्र्यासाठी, त्यांच्या आरोग्य आणि पोषणामध्ये सुधारणा करणे आणि कुटुंबातील त्यांची निर्णायक भूमिका मजबूत करण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची “मुख्यमंत्री माझी लाडकी बहीण” योजना सुरु करण्यास महाराष्ट्र शासनाने २८ जून २०२४ रोजी मान्यता दिली. या योजनेमार्फत महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील २१ ते ६५ वयोगटातील पात्र महिलांना दर महिना रु. १,५००/- असा आर्थिक लाभ DBT द्वारे देण्यात
Tags : jobfairjobfairinmumbaijobsinmumbaimumbaijobs
Opportunity for all Job Seekers to Walk-in for Open Job Fair organised in Kalyan East on Saturday, 25th May 2024. The Job Fair is organised by Rotary Club of Mumbai West End in association with Skilling India at Saket College of Arts, Science and Commerce at Kalyan East, Thane. Above age of 18 years all
Academic Bank of Credit (ABC ID) number is as important as Aadhaar number for all students if they are pursuing graduation or post graduation. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has urged the students to register themselves as soon as possible, as this ID will play an important role in the transfer of credits in inter-disciplinary
The Government of India is taking initiatives for our unemployed citizens with various Employment Schemes at the State and Central level but due to a lack of information, the citizens couldn’t get the right information about these schemes. Being part of Skilling India program we have taken all these schemes’ information with a direct registration
Tags : Berojgar Bhatta YojanaPradhan Mantri Berojgari Bhattaunemployment schemeप्रधानमंत्री बेरोजगार भत्ता
Important Note : Pradhan Mantri Berojgari Bhatta Yojana, a scheme launched by the government to aid the educated unemployed youth is misleading news as no such scheme has been launched yet in the country. The Central Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Berojgari Bhatta Yojana to aid the country’s educated unemployed young. The national government will
Resumes are an important job search tool since they allow you to highlight your best and most relevant abilities and characteristics. Employers use resumes to make recruiting choices, and it can also help you secure your first interview after submitting a job application. If you are engaged in a job search, you may benefit from
Agneepath Scheme for Military Recruitment The Union Cabinet took a historic decision approving an attractive recruitment scheme for Indian youth to serve in the Armed Forces for which a scheme has been introduced with the name AGNEEPATH. The youth selected under the Agneepath scheme will be categorised as Agniveers. The Armed Forces will be recruiting 46,000 Agniveers this year through
Extending our Finance Support for Smart Employment Card registered member through our official network of financial companies. Our aim is to filter the requirements and get best solution to fullfill all requirements of our registered members. We have line up our network from Finance sector to service Saving Account Requirement, Loans and Credit Requirements, Insrance
Come, build your career with Skilling India & L&T Build India Scholarship Programme! Build India Scholarship Scheme is an illustrious user-oriented programme with a unique ascendancy for the past 2 decades through which L&T molds aspiring young talents with engineering acumen into capable construction technology managers to play a more relevant part in engineering the
Dear Candidate, A Job Fair is being organised at National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled on 9th March 2022 at 9 am Morning. The candidate willing to check the various opportunities may visit personally at the venue with the documents mentioned below. Carry your Documents Copy of Employment Card (Register your Employment Card if
Register Smart Employment Card and get your digital copy of Employment News Paper every week. The registration is valid for life time and there is no expiry or renewal require. You get physical Smart Employment Card at your given address in 15 working days by Indian Registered Post. The Online Registration is open for all
Diwali, The festive of Joy, Happiness, Bright Lights, Sparkles, Snacks & Sweets, Crackers, New Cloths and much more. Diwali is one of the most awaited festival for the entire country that brings lot of new opportunities in every one’s life. According to ancient Hindu mythology, the festival of lights is celebrated to commemorate the victory
क्या हम इसे घोटला समजे ?? ये पोस्ट किसी सरकार या वैयक्तिक रूप विरोधी नाही है और ना हि किसी के समर्थन मे है । केवल वैक्सीन के बारेमे सही खुलासा क्या है ये जानना हम सभी नागरिकोकी मांग है । सवाल चाहें जितने हों, जवाब जवाब की तरह नही मिल रहे है । देखिये
Every business is affected today due to lockdown, its impacting huge on our economy. We all should have to take the possible measurable actions to overcome with the challenges and be prepare for the prospect upcoming opportunities. We have tried to explain on such opportunities in this session which is free for all citizens. Topic
Entrepreneurship is the art of starting a business, an innovative concept. Today it’s a need of society. To begin with this Skilling India is presenting step by step from basic to advance learning modules that support an individual to establish successful business modules. This course is in HINDI language for all citizens willing to start
सध्या परिस्थिती पाहता पुन्हा कडक लोकडाऊन होण्याची शक्यता आहे. लोकडाऊन या पर्यायाव्यतिरिक्त आवश्यक उपाय योजना करण्यास सरकार मात्र दुर्लक्ष करित आहे. सध्या राज्य सरकार जात, धर्म व आरक्षणाच्या राजकारणात तर केंद्र सरकार आपल्या पक्षाच्या शक्ती प्रदर्शनात कमी पडू नये म्हणुन व्यस्त आहेत. भारतातील परिस्थितीची जागतिक पातळीवर दाखल घेतली जात आहे परंतु राजकीय व विरोधी पक्ष
We are pleased to announce special Course Master in Stock Market under Skilling India e-Learning Career Portal. This course shall be absolutely free for all Smart Employment Card registered members. The Course is Powered by Special Strategy named Roha.. a 5 Golden Rules. Master in Stock Market is complete course and we have been tried
Learn to repair Home Appliances in Lockdown. (Free Course in Hindi) We as a whole are discovering a few or different open doors for “Work From Home” or to keep ourselves occupied that might be additional earning source in current Lockdown. More often than not it’s hard to identify such open doors inside the door,
We are pleased to introduce Professional Digital Marketing Free Online Certification Course for Smart Employment Card registered members. The Content of course is created in easily understandable language with practical orientation from the industry experts. The course shall be helpful for all career aspirant looking for great opportunity in Digital Marketing or in process/planning of
सुवर्ण_संधी !!!…. दिवसातले फक्त दोन तास काम करुन दरमहा पंचवीस ते पन्नास हजार रुपये कमवा…… कोणत्याही डिग्रीची गरज नाही. कंप्युटर, लॅपटॉप, मोबाईल वापरुन डाटा एंट्रीचे काम करा आणि महिना पन्नास हजार रुपयांपर्यंत कमाई करा… उत्पन्नाचा एकच मार्ग आहे ? सावधान !!! – आपले फेसबुक अकॉउंट असल्यास हजारो कमवा !!!
Employment News is the flagship weekly job journal from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It was launched in 1976 with a view to provide information on employment opportunities to the unemployed and under employed youth of the country. Skilling India Smart Employment Exchange is extending support for all employment registered members to explore
Skilling India Smart Employment Exchange has been added with new feature of Virtual Interview and Instant Hiring process for Employers during lockdown. The extended support shall be really helpful during the pandemic period or in routine practice as Employers can instantly access the list of Employment Registered candidate and shortlist them as per their eligibility,
पश्चिम महाराष्ट्रातील नामवंत फुड प्रोसेस कंपनीकरिता ५०० पेक्षा अधिक लेबर कामगार त्वरित नेमाने आहे. सातारा, सांगली, कोल्हापूर व कोकण परिसरातील कामगारांना नोकरीची संधी. कंपनीमधील लेबर काम करण्याकरिता बाहेरील जिल्ह्यातुन / गावांमधुन शेकडो कामगारांची प्रत्येक वर्षी भरती होत आहे, स्थानिक नागरिक, इच्छुक कामगारास प्राधान्य मिळावे या करिता कंपनी सतत प्रयत्न करीत असते. सातारा, सांगली, कोल्हापूर व
शासकीय सेवेचे स्वप्न पाहून ते पूर्ण करण्यासाठी सातत्याने स्पर्धा परीक्षा देऊन प्रयत्न करणाऱ्या उमेदवारांच्या प्रयत्नांना महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाने (एमपीएससी) कमाल संधींची मर्यादा घातली आहे. केंद्रीय लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या (यूपीएससी) धर्तीवर एमपीएससीने कमाल संधीं निश्चित के ल्या असून, खुल्या गटातील उमेदवारांना कमाल सहा संधी, उर्वरित मागास प्रवर्गातील उमेदवारांना कमाल नऊ संधी मिळतील. तर, अनुसूचित जाती आणि अनुसूचित
Merriam Webster says an advertisement campaign is ‘cancelled’ if it is inappropriate or is an unsuccessful marketing strategy. A television show is ‘cancelled’ if it manages only abysmal ratings. For the longest time, the meaning of the term ‘cancel’ hasn’t been very complex, but sometime in the past decade, it has acquired a new definition,
Ganesh Chaturthi is here and not everyone is excited. Some revel in the festivities, the adorned Ganpati pandals, the hustle and bustle and the modaks! But others don’t see the festive spirit and believe that even Ganesh would get frustrated in the traffic and chaos that the occasion brings. Some also worry about the environmental damage that visarjans cause every
Tech giant Google has launched its virtual visiting card feature called ‘People Cards’ in India. Now Google search results of a person will throw up links to their personal websites, contact details and social media profiles. People Cards is aimed at helping individuals, influencers, job seekers and freelancers who want to be discovered and expand
Covid-19 has not only had an impact on the health of people at large, the economic damage that it has rendered and will continue to render may be more damaging than the disease itself. During the course of this pandemic, businesses continue to be significantly impacted, liquidity remains tight and so does the scale of
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) does not bind the parties involved in the agreement and does not even act as legal evidence in case of the failure of keeping promises mentioned in the Memorandum of Understanding. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) simply represents that two or more parties are willing to work on something together,
Microsoft has introduced a new Your Phone app that will help users access their Android phone apps directly from their desktops running Windows 10. With this, the users will soon be able to run multiple Android apps like Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter side by side. The new Your Phone app would arrive first on newly-launched
Bill Gates said something years ago that should resonate deep within the collective conscience of leaders everywhere. The co-founder of Microsoft pointed out “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” In two words, Gates nailed a defining characteristic of true leaders: empower others. Let’s now reframe his
The fixed income of salaried individuals gives them an edge over their non-salaried counterparts in planning expenses and saving regularly for various financial goals. However, this relative income certainty often leads many of them to become complacent in choosing the right instruments for their various financial goals. Here I will list 5 investment options for
Further to continue with our earlier session on Online Education, released on May 7th 2020, the earning an income by sharing your expertise with exclusive audience of Skilling India, eLearning the platform is an opportunity for Industry Experts, Professional, Educationalist and nonprofit organizations to published their content, courses, webinar, career oriented sessions and get noticed
It is the best type of communication which helps you to put forward your opinion without being misunderstood by the person in front. By adept use of the Assertive Communication Skills, you will be able to raise your voice for your rights (and other’s rights) without being aggressive. Such a form of communication is quite
Every industry, globally or nationally has taken a hit during these testing times including the Education system. The schools and universities are non-operational due to the nationwide lockdown which will surely have a negative impact on the academic curriculum. Certainly, no one could have foreseen this calamity but we can be prepared for any such
One has to consider the financial situation, risk appetite and investment goals. It’s also important to define the timeline and how much risk an investor is willing to take on in order to determine the optimal asset allocation. Here’s the three P’s of Smart Investing – Plan, Prepare & Persist to achieve the long term
Opportunit for Digital Smart Employment Card members to improve basic skills of web designing tools. The course is listed in Hindi so that all rural members can avail this opportunity. The validity of course is life time. The containt of course reviesed every after three month. The course contains below topics Web Designing & Development
In a move aimed at taking on Google Maps, Facebook has acquired Swedish startup Mapillary, that is building a detailed, accurate, and up to date global street-level imagery platform, for an undisclosed sum. Facebook is building tools and technology to improve maps through a combination of machine learning, satellite imagery and partnerships with mapping communities.
Fast charging is a boon for smartphone users, there are absolutely no two ways about that. Fast charging is also a key differentiator among new-age phones. But fast charging can also be fatal for your smartphone, so it seems. According to a study done by the researchers at Tencent’s Xuanwu Lab, a smartphone charging with
Social media platform Twitter is ready to bring some new and additional choices for iOS users. The company is planning to introduce new icons for the home screen. A report by 9to5Mac, has revealed that Twitter sent out a survey to Twitter insiders program members in order to get feedback on new icon design that
Zoom on Tuesday announced that it will expand its India operations by setting up a local technology centre after the video conferencing service saw a 6700% growth (in free user sign ups) in the country. The announcement comes just days after Zoom’s newly appointed president of engineering and products, Velchamy Sankarligam confirmed, the company was
Issuing an alert, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has asked the users of Google Chrome browser to update the browsing app as soon as possible to avoid any misconduct on their data. The CERT-In has asked the Chrome users to update their app if they are using the browser version released before Google
Purchasing power is defined as the value of the currency. It is described as the number of services or goods that one unit of the currency can buy. It is an indicator of the present market conditions because it enables a person or a business entity to know the amount the unit of reducing will
Feeling frustrated in your career? Consider joining–or better yet starting–a mastermind group. A mastermind group is a group of eight to 10 of your professional peers, at least some of them more experienced than you. It can meet just once or on an ongoing basis for open-ended discussion or to talk about a specific topic.
Self-learning is defined as a method of garnering information and after processing and retaining it without taking the help of another individual. It is the responsibility of the learner to learn and hold on to the knowledge without the help of another human resource. It is a modern way of learning that helps a person
Resilience as a career concept is having a kind of heyday, with good reason. Flung into new ways of working, both at home and in newly dangerous roles, people all over the world were forced into adapting to the pandemic and economic crisis while doing their jobs Confronted with the continued flow of bad news,
While choosing the places to save and invest in, experts suggest don’t go randomly picking instruments. Note that your financial planning and your portfolio most importantly depend on your age along with risk profile and other factors. Every decade of our life, from the time we start earning, commands a different approach towards how we
First impressions are lasting. The way you look and carry yourself, create an impact on people around you. Lack of etiquettes may lead to poor image and may hinder your chance of forming a good impression on your colleagues and superiors. Good grooming is integral, but professional grooming is a must. If you don’t look
The technological advancements in the digital world have kept the media and advertising industry continuously evolving. From the printing press, to radio, to TV, and the internet, each innovation has revolutionized and altered how individuals engaged with new concepts, products, and brands Advertising- Advertising is for people with a creative flair. No matter what designation
One thing that is certain, we know that adjusting to change can be challenging. But be it planned or unplanned, gradual or sudden, change is inevitable and very much part of being human. Over the past few months, we’ve experienced an unprecedented shift in our way of life due to COVID-19. We were introduced to
Best wishes to all HSC passout student for getting the highest ever result of 90.66%. Skilling India management is welcoming all student to get registered for ‘Digital Smart Employment Card’ and avail Life Time Opportunity to enhance their career. Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has released the Maharashtra HSC Results 2020
Man is a social animal, and for centuries he has relied on communication to strengthen his relationships with everyone. Interacting with friends and family across long distances has always been a concern for him. So, he invented various instruments to solve this problem. He began by writing letters, then he invented the telegraph, fax machine,
Knowledge, with its wide classifications, can be parsed into individual and collective knowledge. Executives recruit followers based on their individual knowledge, which refers to that person’s skills, prior-knowledge, and proficiencies—sometimes referred to as competencies. Collective knowledge, on the other hand, has been defined as “organizing principles, routines and practices, top management schema, and relative organizational
सकारात्मक राहा — सुरक्षित रहा — आनंदी राहा एका कैद्याला फाशीची शिक्षा सुनावण्यात आली, तेव्हा काही वैज्ञानिकांनी ह्या कैद्यावर काही प्रयोग करण्याचे ठरविले व त्यास मान्यताही मिळाली. त्या कैद्याला सांगितलं गेलं, की तुला फाशी न देता विषारी कोब्रा डसवून मारणार आहे. त्याच्या समोर एक मोठा विषारी साप आणला गेल्यानंतर त्या कैद्याचे डोळे बंद करून त्यास
The Employment Market is confronting very stuff time today and the whole things are evolving radically. The corporate, the Education and the Career Prospect is changing post Covid-19 period. Do we mindful of this change as we have to set ourself up to adjust this change to confront the up and coming downturn. To continue
We are pleased to announce the 1st session delivered for Smart Employment Card registered members. Taking a gander at overwilling reaction we are in procedure of week after week two meetings which will be secured the most requested points on profession and industry update. The recorded online class is made open for all up-and-comer and
THINKING ABLITY IS ENTIRERLY DIFFERENT FROM OTHER PEOPLE, THEY ARE CREATIVE IN NATURE, They do not put any effort to think creatively. It comes automatically. Now an obvious question arises in your mind that is what creative thinking is? What is Creative Thinking? Creative thinking is the ability to create or formulate new things and
The global recession, induced by COVID-19, will fundamentally change the way humanity works, and socialises, for years to come. The COVID-19 crisis will be a catalyst to unprecedented changes in every industry. Every industry will be forced to reform and restructure in order to transform into the new realities that will emerge. The following three
Online education is not so easy as speaking into the microphone at one end, and connecting a laptop and listening in on the other; there are challenges faced at both ends of the spectrum. Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. In India,
The various competitive entrance exams like JEE, NEET etc. are on a toss due to uncertain pandemic set across nation. There are significant numbers of student preparing for these exams for almost two or more years and the admissions will take place only after these tests are conducted. The job aspirants are also hit badly
Agriculture has a growing scope in India as India has been an agro-based economy. The agricultural production in India is more or less consistent and is not increasing significantly in the absence of some breakthrough technological innovation in the domain of agriculture. In situations of unpredictable monsoon, it is imperative on the part of agriculture
Smart Employment Card registered members have opportunity to learn Professional Beauty Parlour Course with practical orientation absolutely free. The course has been scheduled under ‘My Courses’ segment in career portal. Members can login and subscribe the course without any cost. The course is linked with the certification online exam under paid section. There are ample
Maharashtra students of classes 10 and 12 (both Marathi & English Medium) can start their studies immediately without any delay happening today due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, all the textbooks for these two classes have been uploaded online. Students can download them in English or Maratha, in PDF format from the official Balbharti
Smart Employment Card registered members have opportunity to learn professional photography with practical orientation absolutely free. The course has been scheduled for one month under their members login under ‘My Courses’ segment. Members can login and subscribe the course without any cost. The course is linked with the certification online exam under paid section. The
The students of Mahindra Ecole Centrale, an engineering college in Hyderabad created India’s first live, district-wise COVID-19 tracker which can even be installed as a mobile app. The website uses data from credible sources like official health websites and news outlets which is then thoroughly crosschecked by a group of students and marked on the
The primary period of internet learning exercises for the understudies of Delhi government schools up to Class 8 has been propelled, with various exercises being sent to guardians through instant messages in the wake of the across the nation lockdown till April 14 due to the coronavirus flare-up, authorities said on Friday. The administration likewise
Looking at lockdown situation today, the threat of job losses has now increased and to overcome with the situation, we are upcoming with unique business start-up support for our Smart Employment Card registered members. The business concept shall be released on every week and the members may expect the establishment support from SKILLING INDIA having
Contrary to popular belief, neither female nor male brains can perform complex multitasking. Instead, the brain switches its focus from one activity to another, involving around 0.2 seconds between the activities where it is focusing on neither. During this transition phase, the brain releases a small amount of dopamine, which is part of the reward
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to go ahead with the merger plan of ten state-run banks into four larger bank from April 1. The apex bank has issued four separate releases announcing that the branches of merging banks will operate as of the banks in which these have been amalgamated from next
A few days ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon both the public and private sector not to resort to wage cuts or layoffs. However, the reality at the ground level seems to be grim. Companies like MakeMyTrip and Zomato and many more have already announced voluntary salary cuts, especially from the top management and
सध्या लागू असलेल्या लॉकडाऊन कालावघीत भाजीपाला, अन्नधान्य, औषधे, दुध इत्यादी विविध प्रकारच्या जीवनावश्यक सामग्रीच्या वाहतुकीस मान्यता देण्यात आली आहे. देशभरात लागू असलेल्या लॉकडाऊनच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर राज्यात अत्यावश्यक सेवा आणि वस्तूंची वाहतूक करणाऱ्या वाहनांना पोलीस यंत्रणेमार्फत ई-पास देण्यात येणार आहे. यासाठी ऑनलाईन प्रणाली तयार करण्यात आली असून https://covid19.mhpolice.in/ या लिंकवर जाऊन संबंधितांना अर्ज करता येईल. सध्या लागू
सध्या अवघ्या जगासमोरच कोरोना व्हायरसचे संकट असून आपला देशही त्याला अपवाद राहिलेला नाही. वेगाने फैलावणार्या या विषाणूच्या संसर्गाला आळा घालण्यासाठी लॉकडाऊन हाच प्रभावी उपाय आहे. सध्या आपल्या देशातही 21 दिवसांचा लॉकडाऊन सुरू आहे आणि या काळात अनेक लोक घरी बसूनच ऑफिसचे काम करीत आहेत. या ‘वर्क फ्रॉम होम’ मुळेही अनेकजण मेटाकुटीला आले आहेत व त्याची
On Friday, the Monetary Policy Committee of the central bank rolled out a long list of announcements to deal with the economic impact of the pandemic. This includes a repo rate cut of 75 basis points, Rs 3.74 lakh crore liquidity boost, and deferment of loan installments for 3 months, among other things. Ten days ago, Governor Shaktikanta
RBI Announces 3-month Moratorium On EMI Installments Of All Term Loans The Reserve Bank of India has announced that banks are permitted to allow a 3-month moratorium on payment of installments of all term loans outstanding on March 1, 2020. This decision applies to all regional, rural banks, co-operative banks, NBFCs including Housing Finance Companies.
Many start-ups could fold up sooner than later as B2B and B2C transactions plummet as a result of lockdown and shutdown across the country Shashank Moddhia of healthcare start-up The Renal Project contacted executives of Bank of Baroda and IDBI at their Juhu branches in Mumbai a few days back for a Rs 10 lakh Mudra loan but none of them
A complete halt to Indian Economy may effects – job losses, stretched balance sheets, lower capex and weak consumer demand – are to be tamed. The first two rounds of coronavirus outbreak have already wiped off Rs 52 lakh crore worth of equity investor wealth, with benchmarks Sensex and Nifty languishing at multi-year lows after
New Delhi : Following the unforeseen disruption of the coronavirus pandemic, companies are now resorting to intelligent automated systems that offer virtual screening environment and interviewing experience, instead of conducting in-person interviews. Companies have taken the rising global health crisis very seriously and are concerned about the health of their employees and until this public
Amazon has changed its logistics, transportation, supply chain, purchasing, and third-party seller processes in order to prioritise stocking and delivering essentials amid coronavirus. Amid coronavirus, ecommerce giant Amazon’s Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos addressed his employees through the company’s blog on Saturday, March 21. He announced that in this time of health and economic crisis,
Fact Check: No, Clapping Together at 5 pm during Janta curfew will not kill coronavirus. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Janta Curfew initiative on Sunday and his appeal to everyone clap at 5 pm to show gratitude to the helpers and medical practitioners who are working relentlessly to fight coronavirus has now become the target of
कोरोना-व्हायरसच्या प्रभावाशी निपटण्यासाठी जगभरात कंपन्या नवे नवे पर्याय अजमावत आहेत. कोरोनामुळे सर्वात जास्त नुकसान जगभरातील बिझनेसचे होते आहे, कंपन्या काम सुरु ठेवण्याचे मार्ग शोधत आहेत. कुणी कर्मचाऱ्यांना घरात काम करण्याचा सल्ला देत आहे आणि तर कुठे बँक खाते उघडण्याच्या बदल्यात मास्क फ्री देण्याची ऑफर देत आहेत. काही कंपन्या सेगमेंट बदलवून परफ्यूम ऐवजी सॅनिटायझर्स बनवण्याच्या व्यवसायात
Exam season is right around the corner, which probably means that the notorious exam stress should be setting in right about… now? As the notifications date of all Final Exams are out – It has put young adults in a state of dilemma, as they are confused between the joy of enjoying a riot of
The National Testing Agency has made many changes to the only All India Pre-Medical Test in the country. The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is the only gateway to take admission to the undergraduate medical and dental courses in any Indian college or institute. NEET is the only UG medical entrance exam medical aspirants should
Impression management is defined as a process where someone or other tries to influence the decision, opinion or observation of others about something or someone in particular. Within a business entity, it can be someone in a management position who might try to regulate information during his interaction with other employees or even the general
बहुतांश मंडळी करिअर कौन्सलिंगचा अचूक काळ शोधण्यास उशीर लावतात. परंतु, जेव्हा मुलं माध्यमिक शाळेत जातात, तेव्हाच करिअरचा मार्ग निवडायला हवा. साधारणत: आठवीनंतर विद्यार्थ्याचा कल समजू लागतो आणि त्यानंतर त्याला आवडीच्या क्षेत्रात करिअर करण्यासाठी पुरेसा वेळ मिळतो. त्याचबरोबर विद्यार्थ्याला जेव्हा स्ट्रिम बदलायची असते, त्याचवेळी करिअर कौन्सिलरचा आधार घ्यायला हवा. यामुळे आपल्याला मुलाचा कोणत्या विषयात रस आहे,
Contract management is defined as a process that manages the creation, analyzing and execution of contracts efficiently and systematically. This method is used for delivering optimal financial and operational performance and for minimizing the risk factor to the lowest level. Meaning of contract management-The contract management is described in simple terms as the management of
A quick guide on how to draft an effective job description. When you’re recruiting new employees, you have to take care of every detail. They need to know what they’re about to sign up for and what the organization expects them to do. All applicants must understand their position with utmost clarity. This will ensure
There’s a misconception that breakthrough products or services are always created by smart young brains. But the evidence shows that innovation is ageless. Every generation has its own slang and everyone over the age of 40 give or take a few years professes not to understand what “the kids” are saying, singing or emoji-ing. This
Make sure of preparing yourself for the audition of strengths that will match the role. Recently, a Dubai based general manager contacted me to take a quick crash course coaching on cracking the interviews. He had an interesting tale. Raman freezes when the most dreaded question is asked in interviews. “So, tell me about yourself.”
You’ve finally made the most life-defining choice there is. You’ve picked the career you want to make your mark in, You’ve dreamt of success and know you possess the drive and passion to achieve it. You’re willing to work as hard as it takes and acquire all the skill sets needed. If you’re not among
We each define success in our own way. However, there are some cornerstone habits of successful people that are universal. What I find especially fascinating about these cornerstones is that they make us feel more successful no matter how well we are executing against all of the other metrics we use to measure our success.
The Industry life cycle denotes the evolution of the industry from the different stages it has to go through based on the characteristics of businesses involved in the industry. Some industries which are in their prime grow fast whereas those in maturity grow slowly. What Is the Industry Life Cycle? The industry life cycle represents
How great leaders are adjusting their strategies to fuel the success of their business this year. As any good leader knows, success starts from within. To start off the year on a high note, executives must make adjustments that will achieve bigger and better things Recover from failures quickly- “Every time you take on a
A McKinsey survey reveals data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times as likely to retain customers, and 19 times as likely to be profitable. This year will witness organizations placing greater emphasis on transparency, agility, culture and purpose-driven leadership. As per a recent study, 54% of the world’s workforce will
Twitter had launched a feature late last year allowing users to hide certain replies on their tweets as a part of its efforts to clean up abusive content Twitter Inc said on Wednesday it will test new features early this year that would allow users to control who can reply to their tweets, as it
Even if you have no business blind spots, it’s good to know the techniques that will help you deal with the biases of others. Every successful leader has to learn how to act with a visible confidence and faith in their own abilities and those of their team, while remaining aware of their own biases
Windows 7 reached it’s End-of-Life today, so what will this mean for companies that choose not leave the operating system? Due to the out-of-date security that Windows 7 will provide compared to the latest operating systems, companies choosing to stick with Windows 7 after its End-of-Life could be at higher risk to cyber attacks. Another
The primacy effect is an ability to summon up information at the initial level. In psychology, it is defined as an involuntary bias that results in retaining information that a person has come across first compared to the ones that he gains access at a later stage. In business, it is described as the tendency
Whatsapp automatic message delete feature: The messages can be deleted for 1 hour, 1 week, 1 day, 1 month and 1 year. Whatsapp automatic message delete feature: WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow messages to disappear automatically. According to a WABetainfo report, this feature was seen on WhatsApp version 2.19.275
With 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) devices arriving on the horizon, data speed will increase but the speed of cyber attacks would also rise, said a Grant Thornton report. “Threat actors are expected to deploy advanced AI-led attacks to boost the speed and impact of their campaigns. IoT will throw new challenges to data
The new filters are available in the Boomerang composer located in the Instagram Stories camera Facebook-owned Instagram on Saturday introduced three new options to share Boomerang Stories: SlowMo, Echo, and Duo, along with a new few feature to trim their length. Your Instagram camera gives you ways to express yourself and easily share what you’re
Future leader those who are prepared not only to manage workforce undergoing demographic and structural upheavals, but also to steer their organization through increasingly competitive, globalized markets by adapting to an accelerated speed of innovation and rising customer demands. IN “What Do” ‘Future Leaders’ Look Like?” we outlined the ways in which modern leadership styles
Best & Latest Resume Format For Fresher’s and Experience Job Seekers A great looking and the appropriately formatted resume, CV or bio-data increases your chances of getting an interview call. Applying for any job begins by sending an application letter and resume. Indeed, these two distinct documents impart the first impression about a jobseeker to every recruiter.
DIWALI, One of the most favorite, most enjoyable, sacred and loveliest festival of our life. Every year we celebrate with great joy and enthusiasm across India as well as overseas. It is known as the festival of Light, Festival of Sweets, Festival of Crackers and the Festival of Enjoyment. This DIWALI, Lets promise ourselves to
6 ‘C’s To Help You Crack A Job Interview There is hardly a formula that guarantee success in cracking every interview, but these pointers are ideal for each candidate to follow. These 6 Cs can help one stand-out as well as outstand from the rest of the talent pool. CONTENT- Resume are platform to
THE SECRET FORMULA TO HARD CONVERSATION What sets great leaders apart is that they start from a place of love and compassion. The magic formula is really all about, as Mohandas Gandhi said, hate the sin and not the sinner. The ability to do this is actually a core managerial strength. If you cannot share
TIME MANAGEMENT It is rightly said “Time & tide wait for none”. An individual should understand the value of time for him to succeed in all aspects of life. People who waste time are the ones who fail to create an identity of own. The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to their career
Make Your Daily To-Do List Manageable By Organizing Daily To-Do lists are effective whether you dictate them into a thousand- dollar Smartphone or scribble them on the back of a crusty old envelope. They are one of the most perfect productivity tools ever created. Prioritizing was painful. Sometime you have to drop cherished goals, or
HOW TO CREATE FEARLESS FUTURE Out beyond ideas of right doing or wrong doing there is a field. Fear is future orientation. It is imagining what could go wrong but hasn’t could wrong yet. Fear is running a mental movie of the worst-case scenario repeatedly in your mind. Tips for Awesome future Choose Spiral Upward-
THE LIMITS OF POSITIVE THINKING The magical potency of positive thinking has been a common theme among motivational speaker for a long time. In 1952 Norman Vincent Peal published seminal book, The Power Of Positive Thinking, He advocate that you should always be optimistic, You should b uild Mental picture of yourself succeeding & the
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