Manage Exam Stress and Anxiety

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Manage Exam Stress and Anxiety

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Manage exam stress and anxiety

Exam season is right around the corner, which probably means that the notorious exam stress should be setting in right about… now?

As the notifications date of all Final Exams are out  - It has put young adults in a state of dilemma, as they are confused between the joy of enjoying a riot of color around (with blooming flowers everywhere) or face the anxiety and pressure. No wonder, counselors are being bombarded with phone calls for tips to de -stress.

The month of February and March is synonymous with pleasant weather as winter gives way to summer. This is a period to be enjoyed by the young adults. An ideal time to be spent with their family and friends before the punishing summer, instead they have pressure to study and not waste time in meeting friends. A fine balance between enjoying this season and a study has to be struck.

Keeping yourself completely shut is not a good idea. Do not avoid talking to your friends or meeting them once in a while. But, do so after you achieve your study targets regularly.

Balancing relationships and studies is not a laughing matter, it requires dedication. Both call for your time and devotion to grow and bear the fruits you have wanted. And, it can succeed only if you are in a relationship with a person with similar interests for knowledge and the love for it.

Why Do People Experience Exam Stress?

  • Worry they might fail
  • Don't feel prepared
  • Want to do really well
  • Don't have much time to study
  • Need to get an expected result
  • Don't think they will do well
  • Find it hard to understand what they're studying
  • Feel pressure from family to get good marks
  • Feel they need to compete with others
  • Have other things happening in their life
  • Things to Do

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