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What sets great leaders apart is that they start from a place of love and compassion. The magic formula is really all about, as Mohandas Gandhi said, hate the sin and not the sinner. The ability to do this is actually a core managerial strength. If you cannot share the uncomfortable truths coming from a place of love and compassion, you cannot succeed as a manager and leader. It will become your fatal flaw.
As a leader, we always want to do the best for our people and we usually can, but in those times when you can't you have to face it or you sub-optimize the business and the issues fester. Like old fish, these things don't get better with time.
The Secret? Sharing hard truths from a place of love and compassion
The point is that if you can't handle objective reality and deal with conflict, you'll never thrive as a leader. Consider that even Warren Buffet says that feedback is a gift--especially when it comes from a place of wanting to help someone get better. The feedback also has to be real and authentic--you have to really mean what you're saying. You can't fake sincerity. Authentic feedback is so valuable because so few people are willing to give it, which is why it's a gift.
"Feedback Is A Gift" To Put My Mind In The Right Frame Of Mind. No Matter How Hard The Feedback Is, And Usually It's Pretty Gentle, JUST Say "Thank You". Loving someone means you care enough to tell them the truth.
That's why, if you want to succeed as a leader, you need to work on your ability to both deliver and receive the hard truths. Otherwise, you'll put your career--and the company you work for--at risk of failure.
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