Free Courses

Free Online Courses

Register your Digital Smart Employment Card in just Rs. 499/- and learn all Free Online Courses with Digital Course Completion Certificate.

Graphic Designing Using Canva

Canva is the most recommended and the mobile user friendly tool for Graphic Designing. Hereby, we have extended our support for the candidate to learn CANVA using their mobile. We recommend every individual / candidate to learn this and understand the designing concept as its going to be useful in every stage in profession. For latest skill requirement candidate may send their queries on portal or email so we can update in the possible cases.

Digital India

Free online course for every citizen today that helps to improve technical skills and how to use of latest devises, Computer, Mobile Phones. This course is useful for every age group category from 14 years to 80+. The content of the course is in animated form and the training is in Hindi language. It helps learner to understand how to use computer, internet, Social Network Applications, Banking Transactions, Informative News Update and Various day to day useful applications using internet.


Financial Accounting with TallyERP

This course is useful for all candidates willing to improve their skills in Accounts using Latest accounting software TallyERP.  We recommend every individual should have accounting skills that helps them in their day to day work or at their Job. This course shall be more beneficial for candidate willing to start their own business or any existing business professionals. We have tried to include all latest norms, accounting tems, policies including GST.

Graphic & Web Designing

Graphic & Web Designing

The basic concepts of Graphic and Web Designing are included in this course. The candidate can learn Photoshop, Corel and Illustrator in Graphic module and can built own website by learning Web Designing modules. We recommend every individual / candidate to learn this and understand the designing concept as its going to be useful in every stage in profession. For latest skill requirement candidate may send their queries on portal or email so we can update in the possible cases.

Home Appliance Reparing Course

Repair Home Appliances

We recommend this course to every citizen as it helps to improve skills in fault finding of appliances we daily use at our home such as Fan, Mixer Cooler, Electric Iron, etc. This course has helped most of the rural candidate to start their home appliance repairing shop at their place. Even by learning this we can easily repair or service our home appliance that saves the money. In Lockdown most of the candidate have utilised there time for home appliance serving at their home and shared positive feedback.

Mobile Repairing Course

Mobile Repairing Course in Hindi

Being with own Mobile Handset is need today and each of we individual is using it for various purposes such as Communication, Entertainment, Marketing and even for the own security reasons. Because it is a machine, we've to be dependent for repairing or maintenance purpose. Here we brings a chance to find out this rearing from basic to advance in easy understandable Hindi language. This course itself is with complete modules that any non technical person can start with his own mobile repairing workshop.

Beauty Parlour Course

This course is for all housewives, female student, individuals willing to start their own Beauty Parlour or learn for hobby. Through it requires lot of technical and practical orientation, we manage to put up with live practical in easy HINDI language. The course has included most of the latest modules related to beauty therapies, hair dressings, skin care therapies etc. The one has to undergo with each and every module, to repeat multiple times to understand the complete module.

Photography Course


More over its fashion to have his skills in today's youth. Along with theory, most of the modules we have tried to cover in practical way in easy language. This course has included all types of camera functions, types of camera lenses, focuses, advance techniques, professional way of shoot etc. We recommend every candidate (Male/Female) to try this course as it will surely help to improve skills in day to day routine life.

Engineering Design using AutoCAD

This course is for all Engineering background candidate that helps them to improve engineering designing skills using AutoCAD. The content of course is in English and have taken few latest updated concept in syllabus. The course has included advance 3D modules with practical orientation. The purpose of this course is to get latest modules as most of the educational institutions follows old modules in their syllabus.

Hardware & Networking

Hardware & Networking

Computer Hardware, Networking is most demanded course that every individual should learn. We use computer system, other electronic devices at our home and every working place. The knowledge of hardware, fault finding, servicing, maintaining and having networking knowledge is mandate in today's world. We have tried covering each module in this course and even layman can understand and practice using our modules.

Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing

Master in Digital Marketing is complete course is in Hindi and the content of course are designed as per latest industry trend. Today the modules of Digital Marketing are included in each and every management syllabus with higher fees. This free course is open for every one and we recommend every candidate to upgrade their skills in this modules. This course will help in personal, professional life and even to start or to setup with own your business.

Share Marketing Course

Master in Stock Market

Master in Stock Market is complete course and we have been tried to cover each and every single point, New Concepts of Trading, with practical and in easily understandable language that any non technical or lay man can learn, understand and make money in Share Market. This course is for everyone from College Student, Beginners, Professionals, Experts and its meant start-up to establish small business or to get a professional Job.

Startup Business

Start-Up Business (Entrepreneurship)

Entrepreneurship is the art of starting a business, starting new and innovative concept. Its a need of society today. To begin with this Skilling India is presenting step by step from basic to advance learning modules that support an individual to establish successful business modules. This course is in HINDI language for all citizens willing to start with their own Small Scale Business, Large Scale Business, Part Time or concepts like Work From Home.

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Advance Paid Courses

Happy to Announce our Advance Career Courses that will help you to boost your job skills.

These are Short Term & Medium Term online courses are highly demanded and from upcoming industry for next 5 years. We recommend our Smart Employment Card registered members to upgrade their skills and get entry into these sectors and plan to achieve the successful career within 5 years. The courses are under paid section for short duration of 3 Month to 2 Years.

Click below link for more details.