Author Archives: admin

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Employee Verification Card

Employee Verification Card: Empowering Your Business with Authenticity

Welcome to the future of business identity verification, brought to you by Skilling India’s Smart Employment Exchange. In an age where security and trust are paramount, ensuring that your field staff’s identity is verified and authenticated is crucial for boosting business conversions.

Why Choose the Employee Verification Card?

The Employee Verification Card is a powerful solution designed to address the growing concerns about identity verification in field operations. In today’s fast-paced business world, the credibility of your field staff is often questioned, which can lead to missed business opportunities. Here’s how our solution can make a difference:


Key Features:

  • Physical Identity Card with Company Branding:
    • Each employee will receive a personalized Employee Verification Card featuring your company’s branding, allowing them to represent your business with pride and professionalism. This card serves as an immediate proof of identity for customers and clients, giving them confidence when engaging with your field staff.
  • Authentication through Skilling India’s Employment Portal:
    • Employees will be listed on our authorized employment portal, enabling real-time verification of their credentials. Your customers and clients can verify the identity of your field staff instantly, helping to build trust and streamline your sales or service processes.
  • Improved Business Conversion:
    • With a verifiable identity, your field staff will experience increased credibility, reducing doubts and hesitations from potential customers. This leads to faster decision-making and higher business conversion rates. When your field staff is trusted, your business thrives.
  • Seamless Integration with Your HR System:
    • The Employee Verification Card system integrates seamlessly with your existing HR processes. It’s easy to add new employees, update information, and ensure that your entire workforce is verified and ready to represent your brand.
  • A Step Towards Safer Business Operations:
    • Our verification system helps mitigate security risks associated with unverified personnel in the field. This provides added safety for both your employees and your customers, making your business operations more secure and trustworthy.
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Bengaluru Employment Mela

Bengaluru Employment Mela: Karnataka Skill Development Corporation’s Job Fair On January 7th And 8th . The Karnataka Skill Development Corporation is ushering in the new year with an opportunity for job seekers in Bengaluru by hosting the inaugural job fair of 2025.


Date : January 7 and 8, 2025

Time : 9 am to 5 pm

Venue : Nandan Football Ground, located in Austin Town, Shanthinagar, Bengaluru.


This fair aims to match job seekers with potential employers based on their qualifications, skills, and experience. The event, which runs from 9 am to 5 pm on both days, promises a platform for direct interaction between candidates and leading companies in the city.

Established in 2008 under the Department of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood, Government of Karnataka, the Karnataka Skill Development Corporation (KSDC) plays a pivotal role in enhancing the employability of the state’s youth. Annually, it facilitates short-term vocational training for over 60,000 individuals through the Pradhan Mantri Kaushalya Vikas Yojana (PMKKY) and the state’s own Chief Minister’s Kaushal Karnataka Yojana (CMKKY). The organization operates more than 800 accredited training centers across Karnataka, offering skill development programs in various sectors like automotive, IT-ITES, logistics, apparel, and electronics.

Registering for the Bengaluru Job Fair

Prospective job seekers and employers interested in participating in the job fair can register their details through a specific registration form provided by the corporation. This initiative not only targets graduates, diploma, and ITI certificate holders but also includes individuals with other degrees. The corporation has made provisions for employers to register for the event, facilitating a comprehensive platform for job matchmaking. For further details on registration or information about the job fair, individuals can reach out via phone at 1800 599 9918 (extension number 5) or email at

The job fair in Bengaluru follows the success of a similar event organized last year in Channapatna, Ramanagara district, signifying the corporation’s ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between job seekers and the industry. The event is strategically designed to collect initial information from the attendees and offer employment opportunities accordingly. This reflects the corporation’s broader mission to equip the workforce of Karnataka with the necessary skills and prepare them to excel in regional, national, and international markets. Enhancing Skills and Employment Opportunities in Karnataka Beyond organizing job fairs, the Karnataka Skill Development Corporation is committed to designing and implementing specialized projects in skill development and entrepreneurship throughout the state. These initiatives are bolstered by the support and monitoring of District Skill Development Offices in every district, ensuring that the training provided aligns with industry demands. Upon completion, candidates receive certification, with KSDC facilitating employment opportunities for them under various schemes. This comprehensive approach underscores the corporation’s dedication to fostering a skilled workforce capable of meeting the evolving demands of various industries.

The upcoming job fair in Bengaluru, spearheaded by Shantinagar MLA N.A. Harris, is more than just an event for immediate employment opportunities. It represents a crucial step by the Karnataka Skill Development Corporation towards realizing its vision of a skilled and employable workforce, ready to take on the challenges of the modern job market. Through its meticulous planning and execution, the fair is set to open numerous doors for job seekers and employers alike, marking a significant milestone in Karnataka’s journey towards skill development and economic progress.

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गाय आणि म्हशीच्या दुधातील फरक

Category : Blog , Front Page

म्हैस आपल्या रेडकूपासून दूर पाठ करून बसते, जरी रेडकु जवळ कुत्रा आला तरी ती त्याला वाचवणार नाही. या उलट गाईच्या कालवडीकडे अनोळखी व्यक्ती जरी आला (वाघ असला तरीही), गाय जीव देईल, पण ती जिवंत असताना, ती आपल्या बाळावर आच येऊ देणार नाही. त्यामुळेच गायीच्या दुधात आपुलकी गुण मुबलक आहे.

म्हशीला घाण आवडते, चिखलात देखील बसेल. पण गाय शेणावरही बसणार नाही, तिला स्वच्छता फार आवडते.

म्हशीला घरापासून २ किमी अंतरावर तलावात सोडून या, ती घरी येऊ शकत नाही. तिची स्मरणशक्ती शून्य आहे. गाईला घरापासून ५ किलोमीटर अंतरावर सोडा. तिला घरी येण्याचा रस्ता सांगावा लागत नाही, ती बरोबर येणार. गाईच्या दुधातहि तितकीच स्मरणशक्ती तीक्ष्ण असते.

दहा म्हशी बांधा आणि त्यांच्या रेडकूंना २० फूट दूर सोडा, एकही रेडकू आपल्या आईला ओळखू शकत नाही. पण गो शाळांमध्ये दिवसभर गाई, वासरांना स्वतंत्र शेडमध्ये ठेवले जाते, संध्याकाळी जेव्हा सर्व वासरे आईला भेटतात, तेव्हा सर्व वासरे (हजारोच्या संख्येने) आपापल्या आईला बरोबर ओळखतात आणि आपल्याच आईकडे जातात, हाच जिव्हाळा गाईच्या दुधात आहे.

म्हशीचे दूध काढल्यावर म्हैस सर्व दूध देते, पण गाय थोडे दूध शिल्लक ठेवतेच आणि जेव्हा ती आपली वासरे दूध प्यायला येतात तेव्हा ती ते शिल्लक दूध पाजते. हाच आईचा मातृत्व गुण गाईत आहे, जो म्हशीमध्ये नाहीत.

रस्त्यावर मुले खेळत असतील आणि म्हैस धावत आली तर ती नक्कीच मुलांच्या अंगावर पाय ठेवते. पण गाय आली तर ती मुलांच्या अंगावर कधीच पाय ठेवत नाही. म्हशीला सूर्य आणि गरमी सहन होत नाही. तर गाय मे जून मध्येही उन्हात बसू शकते. म्हशीचे दूध तामसिक असते. तर गाईचे दूध सात्विक असते.

म्हशीच्या दुधात आळस भरलेला असतो. तिचे पिल्लू दिवसभर भांग खाल्ल्यासारखे पडून असते. जेव्हा दूध काढण्याची वेळ येईल तेव्हा मालक त्याला उचलतो. पण गायीचे वासरू एवढी उडी मारेल की तुम्ही दोरी सोडू शकणार नाही एव्हडी चपळता असते.

लोक म्हशी खरेदीसाठी लाखो रुपये खर्च करतात. मात्र गाईचे दूध हे अमृतसारखे आहे. आपल्या अहिराणीत गाय आणि माय अशी म्हण प्रचलीत आहे.

हेच सर्व गुण दुधातही उतरतात व तेच अनुकरण मनुष्याच्याही स्वभावात दिसतात.

याच बरोबर दोन्ही दुधातील महत्वाचे घटक जाणुन घेणे वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोनातून फार आवश्यक आहेत जे तुम्हाला खालील चार्ट मध्ये दिसतील.

एम्प्लॉयमेंट कार्ड नोंदणी

सरकारी व खाजगी नोकरी अर्ज करण्याकरिता एम्प्लॉयमेंट नोंदणी आवश्यक, अधिक माहिती करिता क्लिक करा

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मुख्यमंत्री – माझी लाडकी बहीण योजना

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील महिलांच्या आर्थिक स्वातंत्र्यासाठी, त्यांच्या आरोग्य आणि पोषणामध्ये सुधारणा करणे आणि कुटुंबातील त्यांची निर्णायक भूमिका मजबूत करण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची "मुख्यमंत्री माझी लाडकी बहीण" योजना सुरु करण्यास महाराष्ट्र शासनाने २८ जून २०२४ रोजी मान्यता दिली. या योजनेमार्फत महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील २१ ते ६५ वयोगटातील पात्र महिलांना दर महिना रु. १,५००/- असा आर्थिक लाभ DBT द्वारे देण्यात येणार आहे.

आवश्यक कागदपत्रे

1. आधार कार्ड अर्जामध्ये आधारकार्ड प्रमाणे नाव नमुद करावे

2. अधिवास प्रमाणपत्र : प्रमाणपत्र उपलब्ध नसेल तर महिलेचे (१५ वर्षापूर्वीचे रेशनकार्ड/१५ वर्षा पूर्वीचे मतदार ओळखपत्र / जन्म प्रमाणपत्र / शाळा सोडल्याचा दाखला) यापैकी कोणतेही एक.

3. महिलेचा जन्म परराज्यातील असल्यास पतीचे : (१५ वर्षापूर्वीचे रेशन कार्ड / १५ वर्षापूर्वीचे मतदार ओळखपत्र / जन्म प्रमाणपत्र / शाळा सोडल्याचा दाखला/अधिवास प्रमाणपत्र) यापैकी कोणतेही एक.

4. वार्षिक उत्पन्न - रु. २.५० लाखापेक्षा कमी असणे आवश्यक

    • अ) पिवळी अथवा केशरी शिधापत्रिका असल्यास उत्पन्न प्रमाणपत्राची आवश्यकता नाही.
    • ब) शुभ्र शिधापत्रिका असल्यास अथवा कोणतीही शिधापत्रिका नसल्यास वार्षिक उत्पन्न रु. २.५० लाखापर्यंत असल्याचे प्रमाणपत्र आवश्यक.

5. नवविवाहितेच्या बाबतीत : रेशानकार्डवर तिच्या नावाची नोंद नसल्यास विवाह प्रमाणपत्र असलेल्या अशा नवविवाहितेच्या पतीचे रेशनकार्ड हे उत्पन्नाचा दाखला म्हणून ग्राह्य राहील.

6. बँक खाते तपशील : (खाते आधार लिंक असावे)

7. लाभार्थी महिलेचे हमीपत्र व फोटो


स्मार्ट एम्प्लॉयमेंट कार्ड धारकांनी प्रथम लॉग-इन करून आपल्या डॅशबोर्ड मध्ये सरकारी योजने मधुन ऑनलाईन अर्ज करावा.

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Mumbai Job Fair

Open Job Fair 2024

Opportunity for all Job Seekers to Walk-in for Open Job Fair organised in Kalyan East on Saturday, 25th May 2024. The Job Fair is organised by Rotary Club of Mumbai West End in association with Skilling India at Saket College of Arts, Science and Commerce at Kalyan East, Thane. Above age of 18 years all student, fresher's and experienced job seekers can participate to get best opportunities.

The companies are line up from Retail, Banking and Finance, IT, Engineering, Pharmaceutical background with 2000+ opportunities. The registration is free for all employers and the job seekers to participate in Job Fair.

List of Companies with Vacancy Details

Name of Organisation Enter Name of Post Total  Post Candidate's Require Education
Aditya Birla Renewal Associate 20 Graduate OR HSC with 1 year experience
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Customer Support Executive 100 Graduate OR HSC with 1 year experience
Mahindra Finance Services Operations Executives 150 Graduation in Any Stream
Fast Track Management Security Officers 50 10th Pass (Age 12 to 40)
Fast Track Management Hospital Staff ( (Semi Govt/Pvt) 200 B.Pharm/D.Pharm/GNM/ANM/B.Sc Nursing/DMLT/Lab Technicians/ X-Ray Technicians/Clerk/Ward Boy
Connections direct india pvt Airline Ticket Booking process 50 12th pass
TECC HUB Engineers 50 Diploma/ Degree - Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Electrical/ ExTC Engineer - Fresher/ Exp.
Vilco Laboratories Pvt ltd Assistant Accountant 5 B. Com
Unique Mixers Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineers , Draftsman, Receptions, Admin, Business Development Executive / Managers 20 Diploma or Bachelor degree in Any Stream
Earth Career Grow Hr Solution Pvt Ltd Sales Executive 200 HSC, Graduation in Any Stream
Conneqt Business Solution Customer Support Executive 200 Min 12 Pass
Fun and Joy at Work Internet Researcher 10 Graduation in Any Stream
Gala Precision Engineering Limited Production Supervisor, NPD, Quality 10 Diploma / BE Mechanical

More Companies to come...

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Academic Bank of Credits

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Academic Bank of Credit (ABC ID) number is as important as Aadhaar number for all students if they are pursuing graduation or post graduation. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has urged the students to register themselves as soon as possible, as this ID will play an important role in the transfer of credits in inter-disciplinary education and optional subjects. The UGC tweeted in this regard and urged all the educational institutions to implement the process of awarding marks based on ABC ID. In its tweet, UGC says, “All educational institutions should register on ABC portal. Also efforts should be made to facilitate the transfer of credits to all the students. So far two crore students from 1 thousand 597 institutions across the country have created ABC ID.

This includes 30 lakh students from Maharashtra. All the universities, educational institutes and colleges have started classifying the marks of the students in the 'ABC' account. It is a matter of pride that Maharashtra has taken the lead in this, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University of Nashik is ranked fourth in the country and Savitribai Phule Pune University is ranked fifth in the country.

What is ABC ID?

As we can withdraw the amount deposited in the bank account anywhere and anytime. Similarly, the credits obtained by the students will be deposited in the Academic Bank of Credit through this ID. An educational institution can use this credit when a student wants to graduate. Students can open ID online by visiting the website.

This will be beneficial..

- Credits earned by students from other universities or educational institutions will be easily transferable

- Grading process of favorite or skill oriented courses will be simplified

- A student returning with a 'gap' can use the bank credit again

- Credit can be obtained from any educational institution in the country


Top five institutions in the country in ABC ID rankings

  • Skilling India Digital : 44,34,553
  • Indira Gandhi National Open University : 20,27,707
  • Delhi University : 10,19,837
  • Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University : 6,10,497
  • Savitribai Phule Pune University : 5,26,768

This concept has been implemented to make it easier for a student studying in one institution to study courses elsewhere. Colleges should open the student's ABC ID number at the time of admission. Also, it is necessary for the universities to organize a special camp in this regard. So that the student will benefit.


How to Apply

  • Register your Smart Employment Card to get official employment id with access rights to authorised portal.
  • Login to Portal and check Dashboard Menu. Select "Academic Bank of Credits" and check the registration form
  • Complete your registration as per guidelines provided.

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Government Schemes

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

The Government of India is taking initiatives for our unemployed citizens with various Employment Schemes at the State and Central level but due to a lack of information, the citizens couldn't get the right information about these schemes. Being part of Skilling India program we have taken all these schemes' information with a direct registration process. Ensure you have an Employment ID ready before you apply for these schemes below.

Gramin Kaushalya Yojana

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) aims to skill rural youth who are poor and provide them with jobs having regular monthly wages or above the minimum wages. It is one of the cluster of initiatives of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India that seeks to promote rural livelihoods.

How to Apply

The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to official portal and check the option Government Schemes, Check eligibility and the require documents to avail this scheme.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) implemented by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). The objective of this Skill Certification scheme is to enable Indian youth to take up industry relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood.

How to Apply

The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to official portal and check the option Government Schemes, Check eligibility and the require documents to avail this scheme.


The Scheme is available for beneficiaries belonging to only those States/UTs which have notified Rules and Scheme under Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014.

How to Apply

The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to official portal and check the option Government Schemes, Check eligibility and the require documents to avail this scheme.

Seva Yojana

उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य सरकार द्वारा राज्य के बेरोजगार युवाओ को रोजगार के अवसर प्राप्त करने के लिए सेवायोजन नाम से एक पोर्टल को जारी किया है | इस पोर्टल पर राज्य के युवाओ के लिए अनेक प्रकार की सरकारी और प्राइवेट नौकरिया उपलब्ध है | राज्य के बेरोजगार युवाओ के लिए Sewayojana एक महत्वपूर्ण पोर्टल है |

How to Apply

The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to official portal and check the option Government Schemes, Check eligibility and the require documents to avail this scheme.


The NREGA scheme is one wherein minimum employment is guaranteed to the rural population of India. The scheme aims to provide poor individuals with a chance to work and earn a livelihood so that they can provide the basic necessities to their families.

How to Apply

The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to official portal and check the option Government Schemes, Check eligibility and the require documents to avail this scheme.

eShram Card

eShram Card is specialy for the unorganised category worker who is a home based-worker, self-employed worker or a wage worker, Construction Workers, Migrant Workers, Gig and Platform workers, Street Vendors, Domestic Workers, Agriculture Workers a worker in the organised sector who is not a member of ESIC or EPFO or not a Govt. and between the age criteria of 16 years to 59 years.

How to Apply

The Smart Employment Card registered members may login to official portal and check the option Government Schemes, Check eligibility and the require documents to avail this scheme.

The Smart Employment Card registration is mandatory to access all government Schemes application on authorised portal. Non registered members are requested to get their registration completed to avail this facility.

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Resume Support

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Resumes are an important job search tool since they allow you to highlight your best and most relevant abilities and characteristics. Employers use resumes to make recruiting choices, and it can also help you secure your first interview after submitting a job application. If you are engaged in a job search, you may benefit from reviewing the layout of your resume and the content you choose to include in it. In this article, we examine the importance of a resume and provide practical tips that can help you in crafting an efficient resume.

In current industry trend there are several types of resume format that used as per the skills and the job profile, whereas most of the Job Seekers failed to identify which resume format should be better to suit their skills and how to write it in effective manner. As per the observation, almost 90%+ candidate use the Copy / Past method in which they really forget to remove the unnecessary things or irrelevant subjects.

Hereby, as an opportunity Skilling India has extended the service of Professional Resumes in Ten different format under candidate's profile that can be downloaded in one click. The formats are pre-designed and candidate just have to update their profile details and the resumes are ready to download. The candidate's have opportunity to select the format they like and can download even all formats and no further charges applicable. As per available market, designing of such resume itself has been charged Rs. 500+ for single format and being a part of Skilling India member, candidate may download such 10 different format that helps to enhance their employment opportunities.


Register Today

Register your Digital Smart Employment Card to get Life Time support for Resume Writing and better industry jobs. The one time registration fee  is applicable Rs. 499/- to get access for all other services and benefits of Digital Smart Employment Card registration.

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Agneepath Scheme 2022

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Agneepath Scheme for Military Recruitment

The Union Cabinet took a historic decision approving an attractive recruitment scheme for Indian youth to serve in the Armed Forces for which a scheme has been introduced with the name AGNEEPATH. The youth selected under the Agneepath scheme will be categorised as Agniveers. The Armed Forces will be recruiting 46,000 Agniveers this year through this scheme. With the announcement of this Agnipath Scheme, a window of opportunity has been opened for the youths to serve their nation for a period of 4 years. In this article, we have explained the Agneepath scheme, age limit and educational requirements for agniveers, how would the recruitment through Agneepath Scheme be done, what would be the salary and more details.

We hereby, exploring the complete information on the scheme for our Smart Employment Card registered member.

What is Agneepath Scheme?

Agneepath Scheme is a recruitment process launched by the central government wherein selected candidates will be enrolled as Agniveers for four years period in Indian Armed ForcesOn completion of the four-year period, Aginveers will go to the society as a disciplined, dynamic, motivated, and skilled workforce for employment in other sectors to pursue their career in the job of their choice.

Agneepath Scheme is a step that is initiated for the recruitment of 46,000+ Agniveers to the Indian Army, Indian Navy and India Air Force. The entry through Agneepath Scheme would be done for a period of 4 years initially. During these 4 years, the recruits would be trained by the armed forces in the skills required. The Agnipath recruitment scheme is a transformative initiative that will provide a youthful profile to the armed forces. Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Kumar said women will also be inducted into the armed forces under the new scheme. Officials, however, added that the recruitment of women under the scheme will depend on the needs of the respective services.


What is Agniveer?

The youth selected under the Agneepath scheme will be categorised as Agniveers. Agniveers will be offered an opportunity to apply for permanent enrolment in the Armed Forces after a period of 4 years. The youths falling in the age group of 17.5 years to 23 years (revised upper age limit) who favour patriotism, teamwork, enhancement of physical fitness, ingrained loyalty to the country and availability of trained personnel to boost national security in times of external threats, internal threats and natural disasters can apply through Agneepath Yojna to become Agniveers.

Agneepath Scheme Notification

Agneepath Scheme for Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Notification has been released on 20th June 2022 for entrance into the Indian Army. Around 83 recruitment rallies across the country are expected to be carried out. Indian Navy will be releasing the Indian Navy Agneepath Notification on 21st June 2022. The Indian Air Force Agneepath Recruitment 2022 notification has been released in PDF format on 20th June 2022. The candidates can check the complete details for each department from their job section.


Agnipath Scheme Details- Latest Updates

Recruitment Details- For IAF, Registration to start on 24th June 2022 onwards, the Online Exam to start on 24th July 2022, the first batch of Agniveers to be induced in IAF in December 2022 and training to start from 30th December 2022 onwards.

Indian Air Force & Indian Army has released detailed Agneepath Recruitment Notifications on 20th June 2022 on their respective official websites. 

Intake of ‘Agniveers’ to go up to 1.25 lakhs in future: Dept of Military Affairs

MoS Defence Ajay Bhatt’s views on the Agnipath scheme- It’s a good scheme. Despite clarity over misunderstandings, it is not right to stick to the demands… I appeal to the youth not to let go of this golden opportunity. There will be no problem in the future:

10% vacancies in CAPF: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said it has decided to reserve 10 per cent vacancies for recruitment in CAPFs and Assam Rifles for Agniveers.

Incentives- The ministries of home affairs and defence announced concessions and incentives that will assist Agniveers in their further employment. Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said the PSUs under his housing and petroleum ministries are working on hiring ‘Agniveers’ after their four-year service in the armed forces.

Revised Age Limit- The upper age limit for Agniveers has been revised to 23 years.

Reservation- The government has announced a 10% reservation for ‘Agniveers’ in central police forces & Assam Rifles with upper age relaxation. Defence Ministry also came up with a 10% quota which will cover the Coast Guard, defence civilian posts and 16 defence PSUs, which include major ones like Hindustan Aeronautics, Bharat Electronics, as well as four shipyards and 41 ordnance factories.

Training- As per, Army Chief General Manoj Pande, the training of first agniveers will begin this December (in 2022) at the centres.

Shipping ministry announces 6 attractive service opportunities for Agniveers from Indian Navy for a smooth transition into Merchant Navy.

Agneepath Yojana Qualification

The education qualification for each department has been tabulated as below-


Department Education Qualification
Soldier General Duty SSLC/Matric with 45% marks in aggregate.No%required if higher qualification.
Soldier Technical 10+2/Intermediate exam Non-Matricpassed in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English. Now eight age for higher qualification.
SoldierClerk / StoreKeeper Technical 10+2/Intermediate exam passed in any stream(Arts, Commerce, Science)with 50% marks in aggregate and min40% in each subject. Weight age for higher qualification.
Soldier Nursing Assistant 10+2/Intermediate exam passed in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with min 50% mark sin aggregate and min40% in each subject. Now eight age for higher qualification.
Soldier Tradesman
(i) GeneralDuties Non -Matric
(ii) Specified Duties Non-Matric

Agneepath Scheme Age Limit Details

The candidates who are under the age group of 17.5 years to 23 years (revised) are eligible to have an advantage of Agneepath Scheme for Indian Army Recruitment 2022.


Category Age Limit
Department 17.5 to 23 years
Soldier Technical
SoldierClerk / StoreKeeper Technical
Soldier Nursing Assistant
Soldier Trades man
(i) GeneralDuties
(ii) SpecifiedDuties

Agneepath Yojna Salary

The salary for Agniveers in the 1st year will be around Rs. 4.76 lakh per annum which increases to Rs. 6.92 lakh per annum for the final year. Check monthly package, in-hand salary, contribution to Agniveer Corpus Fund and corpus fund by GoI from below tabular data. The ‘Seva Nidhi’ will be exempt from Income Tax.


Agneepath Scheme Salary – All figures in Rs (Monthly Contribution)
Year  Customised Package (Monthly) In Hand
Contribution to Agniveer Corpus Fund 
Contribution to corpus 
fund by GoI
1st Year Rs. 30000 Rs. 21000 Rs. 9000 Rs. 9000
2nd Year Rs. 33000 Rs. 23100 Rs. 9900 Rs. 9900
3rd Year Rs. 36500 Rs. 25580 Rs. 10950 Rs. 10950
4th Year Rs. 40000 Rs. 28000 Rs. 12000 Rs. 12000
Total contribution to Agniveer Corpus Fund after four years- Rs 5.02 Lakh
Exit After 4 years- Rs 11.71 Lakh as Seva Nidhi Package (Including, interest accumulated on the above amount as per the 
applicable interest rates would also be paid)


Agneepath Scheme Details- Broad Objectives

The broad objectives of the Agnipath/Agneepath Scheme are-

1. To enhance the youthful profile of the Armed Forces so that they are at their fighting best at all times with increased risk-taking ability.

2. To imbibe the Armed Forces ethos, courage, commitment, and teamwork in the youth.

3. To provide abilities and qualities such as discipline, motivation, dynamism, and work skills so that youth remains as an asset.

4. To provide an opportunity to the youth who may be keen to serve the Nation in uniform for a short period of time.

5. To attract youth talent among the society to effectively exploit, adopt, and use emerging modern technologies with enhanced technical thresholds of intake while leveraging Technical institutions of the country.


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Finance Support

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Extending our Finance Support for Smart Employment Card registered member through our official network of financial companies. Our aim is to filter the requirements and get best solution to fullfill all requirements of our registered members. We have line up our network from Finance sector to service Saving Account Requirement, Loans and Credit Requirements, Insrance and Various Policies, Dmat Account and Investment Management. Interested candidate may fill below form to get the best support from our network partners.

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Build India Scholarship 2022

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Come, build your career with Skilling India & L&T Build India Scholarship Programme!

Build India Scholarship Scheme is an illustrious user-oriented programme with a unique ascendancy for the past 2 decades through which L&T molds aspiring young talents with engineering acumen into capable construction technology managers to play a more relevant part in engineering the future of L&T Construction.

Build India Scholarship 2022 Programme Details:

Programme Name: M. Tech in Construction Technology & Management through L&T's Build India Scholarship.

Highlights of the Programme:

  • 02 years full-time M. Tech degree in Construction Technology & Management
  • 24 month sponsored course at IIT Madras / IIT Delhi / NIT Surathkal / NIT Trichy
  • Course fee borne entirely by L&T
  • Stipend is paid during the programme
  • Live projects @ L&T project sites during the course of the programme
  • Guided by buddies and mentored by BIS alumni during the programme
  • Placement on successful completion of the course
Programme Name:

M. Tech in Construction Technology & Management through L&T's Build India Scholarship.

Sponsored at:

IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, NITK Surathkal & NIT Trichy


Rs. 13,400/- p.m. (paid to the candidates). Tuition fee and Sponsorship fee will be settled by L&T to the respective Institutes directly.

The sponsored candidates need to pay Hostel Accommodation fee & Mess fee.


On selection, and before entering the course, you will need to execute an undertaking for a value of Rs. 5 Lakhs to complete the course and subsequently, if selected for employment, serve the company for 5 years thereafter.

Who can apply?
  • Only final year candidates (those who are pursuing their final year B.E. / B. Tech, those who are expected to graduate by June - August 2022) from core Civil Engineering & Core Electrical Engineering are eligible to apply.
  • Mechanical Candidates are not eligible to apply.
  • Candidates who have graduated in the year 2021 or prior to that are not eligible to apply.


Click For More Details

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Job Fair for Differently Abled

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Dear Candidate,

A Job Fair is being organised at National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled on 9th March 2022 at 9 am Morning. The candidate willing to check the various opportunities may visit personally at the venue with the documents mentioned below.

Carry your Documents

  • Copy of Employment Card (Register your Employment Card if not registered)
  • Your CV / Resume
  • Copy of Educational Qualifications
  • Copy of Disability Certificate

Job Fair Details are as below:

Venue:  National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled(VRC), NSTI Campus, V N Purav Marg, Chunabhatti, Mumbai-400022, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Date: 09/03/2022
Time: 9:30AM onwards


For any further query, candidate may reach us @ 8888021155 between 10 am to 5 pm on working days.

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employment news

Employment News Paper

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Register Smart Employment Card and get your digital copy of Employment News Paper every week. The registration is valid for life time and there is no expiry or renewal require. You get physical Smart Employment Card at your given address in 15 working days by Indian Registered Post. The Online Registration is open for all Indian Citizens above age of 18 years across India.

Features & Benefits

  • Access and Download your Employment News Paper every week.
  • Learn Free Online Courses, Industry Updates, Career Guidence and much more.
  • Online Exams for your Job Skills to get Government Authorised Certificate that boost your Job Opportunities.
  • Life Time Validity - No Expirty - No Renewal require.

Registration Process in 3 Steps

  • Step 1 - Fill below online registration form.
  • Step 2 - Pay online one time Registration Fee Rs. 499/-
  • Step 3 - Fill Verification Form - After payment form will open to submit your Passport Size Photo and other information.

Important Note :

  • After Registration, get your card digital copy of email in 2 working days and Smart Employment Card shall be dispatch by Indian Registered Post at your address in 15 working days.
  • During Registration or for any difficulty, please call Support @ 8888021155 between 10 am to 5 pm on working days. (Close on Weekends / Public Holidays).
  • You can access your account and can use the service only after getting your digital card on email in 2 working days.

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Happy Diwali 2021

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

Diwali, The festive of Joy, Happiness, Bright Lights, Sparkles, Snacks & Sweets, Crackers, New Cloths and much more. Diwali is one of the most awaited festival for the entire country that brings lot of new opportunities in every one’s life. According to ancient Hindu mythology, the festival of lights is celebrated to commemorate the victory of Lord Rama over the Demon King Ravana and subsequently, the triumph of light over darkness.

Its time again to get victory on all the massive uncertainties such as pandemic, inflation, Un Employment etc, and we request all our associates, Smart Employment Card registered members, Partners to identify the right opportunity and choose the correct one.

We wish you all and family members a Happy Diwali. Celebrate the festival safe with love once.

Best Regards


Register Smart Employment Card

Register your Smart Employment Card and get Life Time Career and Job Support.


  1. Life Time Support
  2. Apply Verified Government & Private Exmployment Exchange Jobs.
  3. Competative Exam guidelines and preparation
  4. Learn Free basic courses, Industry and Technology Updates
  5. Employment and Self Employment Assistance

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vaccine status

Vaccine Reality

Category : Blog , Front Page

क्या हम इसे घोटला समजे ??

ये पोस्ट किसी सरकार या वैयक्तिक रूप विरोधी नाही है और ना हि किसी के समर्थन मे है । केवल वैक्सीन के बारेमे सही खुलासा क्या है ये जानना हम सभी नागरिकोकी मांग है । सवाल चाहें जितने हों, जवाब जवाब की तरह नही मिल रहे है ।

देखिये एक रिपोर्ट ।

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Business Affected after Lockdown

Business Startup After Lockdown

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

Every business is affected today due to lockdown, its impacting huge on our economy. We all should have to take the possible measurable actions to overcome with the challenges and be prepare for the prospect upcoming opportunities. We have tried to explain on such opportunities in this session which is free for all citizens.

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Startup Business

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

Entrepreneurship is the art of starting a business, an innovative concept. Today it’s a need of society. To begin with this Skilling India is presenting step by step from basic to advance learning modules that support an individual to establish successful business modules. This course is in HINDI language for all citizens willing to start with their own Small Scale Business, Large Scale Business, Part Time or concepts like Work From Home.

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Alert India

Alert India

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

सावधान !!!

सध्या परिस्थिती पाहता पुन्हा कडक लोकडाऊन होण्याची शक्यता आहे. लोकडाऊन या पर्यायाव्यतिरिक्त आवश्यक उपाय योजना करण्यास सरकार मात्र दुर्लक्ष करित आहे. सध्या राज्य सरकार जात, धर्म व आरक्षणाच्या राजकारणात तर केंद्र सरकार आपल्या पक्षाच्या शक्ती प्रदर्शनात कमी पडू नये म्हणुन व्यस्त आहेत. भारतातील परिस्थितीची जागतिक पातळीवर दाखल घेतली जात आहे परंतु राजकीय व विरोधी पक्ष नेते आपापल्या पक्षाचे हित जपण्यात व्यस्त आहेत. निवडणुकी दरम्यान हेच कार्यकर्ते घरोघरी मत मागणीस जाऊ शकतात, त्या वेळी त्यांच्याकडे प्रत्येक नागरिकाचा डेटा देखील असतो. मग लसीकरण करण्यामागे उदासीनता का ? का आज नागरिकांना एकत्रिक बोलावले जात आहे ? बरं त्यातही नियोजन नाही. पुरेशी उपलब्धता नाही....

लसीकरणाच्या नावाखाली नागरिक बाहेर पडत आहे, याला जवाबदार कोण ? लसीकरणाच्या नावाखाली नागरिक एकत्रित येत आहेत मग सरकार स्वतः कलम १४४ चे उल्लंघन नाही करित आहे का ???

यांना जाब कोण विचारणार ??? (Article in English)

यात कुठेतरी आपणही जवाबदार आहोतच की... माणुस म्हणुन आपल्यातली माणुसकीचा आपणच घोट घेत आहोत. कालच नागपुरमध्ये पेशन्टच्या नावाने उपलब्ध करण्यात आलेल्या रेमडेसिव्हीरचा काळा बाजार करण्यात आला व पेशन्टला भलतेच इंजेक्शन देण्यात आले. यात महिला डॉक्टरचा देखील समावेश . काय म्हणायचे याला ??

आज घरोघरी प्रत्येकजण केक, बिर्याणी व इतर जंक फुड बनवून स्टेट्स ठेवत आहोत. एकाचे स्टेट्स पाहुन दुसराही तेच करतोय. कोणी तुळशीचा काढा, हळदीचे दुध बनवल्याचे स्टेट्स ठेवतंय का ?? ज्या गोष्टी प्रेरित करतील अश्या करण्याऐवजी आपण प्रत्येकजण नकळतपणे वेगळ्याच मार्गी लागलो आहोत. आयुर्वेदावर थोडीशीजरी माहिती मिळवुन काळजी घेतली तर कोरोनाच काय आहेत ते पण व्याधीपण दुर होतील.

आज प्रत्येक नागरिकाचे व्यवसाय, नोकरी, उत्पन्नाचे मार्ग धोक्यात आहेत. अभ्यास, श्रम व आपल्याती असलेल्या कलेतुनच काही करण्या ऐवजी सहज उत्पन्न मिळेल (Easy Money) या मागे लागलो आहोत. सोशल मीडियावर घरी बसुन कमवा (Work From Home)अशी पोस्ट टाकली कि हजारो कमेंट्स येतात मग वेगवेगळ्या मार्गाने पैशे आकारून पुन्हा फावणुकीचे प्रकार होत आहेत. आपण फसलो कि आपण दुसऱ्याला फसवत आहोत. आपल्यातील गुण, कला स्वतः ओळखुन काही नवीन करण्याची जिद्द आपल्यात आली पाहिजे. काय करणार याचे उत्तर आपणच शोधले पाहिजे. (Article in English)

आपल्या रोजच्या जीवनात आपण प्रत्येक जण काही गोष्टीवर आपल्या पद्धतीने योग्य मार्ग काढतो अथवा पर्याय शोधतो. प्रत्येकाचे कौशल्य वेगळे वेगळे असते. याच पर्यायाचा दुसर्यास देखील फायदा होऊ शकतो. योग्य विचार केल्यास त्यातुनच व्यवसायाचा नवीन मार्गही सापडेल. प्रत्येकासोबत दिवसातुन एकदातरी असे काही वेगळे घडत असते फक्त आपण ते ओळखले पाहिजे व त्यातुन नवीन संकल्पना घडविली पाहिजे.

स्किलिंग इंडिया स्मार्ट एम्प्लॉयमेंट कार्ड धारकास आवाहन करित आहोत. आपले कर्तव्य म्हणुन प्रत्येक नागरिकात राजकारणा ऐवजी सामाजिक भावना निर्माण करू. हि पोस्ट प्रत्येकापर्यंत पोहोचऊ व प्रत्येकाचे मत जाणुन घेऊ. स्वयंरोजगार व व्यवसाय मार्गदर्शनाबद्दल योग्य व अधिक माहिती प्रत्येकापर्यंत पोहोचऊ. आपले देखील मत अपेक्षित आहे. (Article in English)

आपले मत मांडण्याकरिता क्लिक करा

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Master in Stock Market

Learn Master in Stock Market

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

Learn, Save & Earn

We are pleased to announce special Course Master in Stock Market under Skilling India e-Learning Career Portal. This course shall be absolutely free for all Smart Employment Card registered members. The Course is Powered by Special Strategy named Roha.. a 5 Golden Rules.

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Repair Home Appliances

Category : Blog , Front Page

Learn, Save & Earn

Learn to repair Home Appliances in Lockdown. (Free Course in Hindi)

We as a whole are discovering a few or different open doors for “Work From Home” or to keep ourselves occupied that might be additional earning source in current Lockdown. More often than not it's hard to identify such open doors inside the door, as each family today has the unit or the appliances that need to be fix or repair or to be serviced periodically.

We are please to introduce small crash course for all our registered Smart Employment Card members to learn servicing and repairing of their home appliances such as Tube Light, Fan, Mixer, Electric Iron, Washing Machine, Cooler etc. The Course is designed in Hind from easily understandable resources and has covered testing of Internal Parts, Fault Finding, Replacing the entire wiring of below commonly used home appliance in every household.

Course Contain

  • Tube Light
  • Electric Iron
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Table Fan
  • Mixer
  • Washing Machine
  • Cooler

Any fresher candidate can easily learn this course and even can start with his own small business.

Register Smart Employment Card

Register your Smart Employment Card and get Life Time Career and Job Support.


  1. Life Time Support
  2. Apply Verified Government & Private Exmployment Exchange Jobs.
  3. Competative Exam guidelines and preparation
  4. Learn Free basic courses, Industry and Technology Updates
  5. Employment and Self Employment Assistance

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Free Digital Marketing Course

Free Digital Marketing Course

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

We are pleased to introduce Professional Digital Marketing Free Online Certification Course for Smart Employment Card registered members. The Content of course is created in easily understandable language with practical orientation from the industry experts. The course shall be helpful for all career aspirant looking for great opportunity in Digital Marketing or in process/planning of their own start-up.

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Work From Home

Work From Home

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

सुवर्ण_संधी !!!…. दिवसातले फक्त दोन तास काम करुन दरमहा पंचवीस ते पन्नास हजार रुपये कमवा…… कोणत्याही डिग्रीची गरज नाही. कंप्युटर, लॅपटॉप, मोबाईल वापरुन डाटा एंट्रीचे काम करा आणि महिना पन्नास हजार रुपयांपर्यंत कमाई करा… उत्पन्नाचा एकच मार्ग आहे ? सावधान !!! – आपले फेसबुक अकॉउंट असल्यास हजारो कमवा !!!

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Employment News

Employment News

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

Employment News is the flagship weekly job journal from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It was launched in 1976 with a view to provide information on employment opportunities to the unemployed and under employed youth of the country.

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Interview in Lockdown

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs

Skilling India Smart Employment Exchange has been added with new feature of Virtual Interview and Instant Hiring process for Employers during lockdown. The extended support shall be really helpful during the pandemic period or in routine practice as Employers can instantly access the list of Employment Registered candidate and shortlist them as per their eligibility,

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स्थानिक नोकऱ्यांची संधी

Category : Blog , Front Page , Jobs , Placements

पश्चिम महाराष्ट्रातील नामवंत फुड प्रोसेस कंपनीकरिता ५०० पेक्षा अधिक लेबर कामगार त्वरित नेमाने आहे. सातारा, सांगली, कोल्हापूर व कोकण परिसरातील कामगारांना नोकरीची संधी.

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विचार करण्याची ‘संधी’..

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शासकीय सेवेचे स्वप्न पाहून ते पूर्ण करण्यासाठी सातत्याने स्पर्धा परीक्षा देऊन प्रयत्न करणाऱ्या उमेदवारांच्या प्रयत्नांना महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाने (एमपीएससी) कमाल संधींची मर्यादा घातली आहे. केंद्रीय लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या (यूपीएससी) धर्तीवर एमपीएससीने कमाल संधीं निश्चित के ल्या असून, खुल्या गटातील उमेदवारांना कमाल सहा संधी, उर्वरित मागास प्रवर्गातील उमेदवारांना कमाल नऊ संधी मिळतील. तर, अनुसूचित जाती आणि अनुसूचित जमाती प्रवर्गातील उमेदवारांना कमाल संधींची मर्यादा लागू नसेल.

आतापर्यंत उमेदवारांना स्पर्धा परीक्षा देण्यासाठी ‘एमपीएससी’कडून संधी निश्चित करण्यात आल्या नव्हत्या. त्यामुळे अनेक उमेदवार सातत्याने स्पर्धा परीक्षा देऊन प्रयत्न करत राहतात. मात्र यूपीएससीकडून उमेदवारांच्या परीक्षा देण्याच्या कमाल संधी निश्चित करण्यात आल्या आहेत, त्याच धर्तीवर आता ‘एमपीएससी’नेही उमेदवारांच्या परीक्षेच्या संधी मर्यादित केल्या आहेत.

महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाने परीक्षेला बसण्यासाठी कमाल संधींची जी मर्यादा आखून देण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे, त्याचे स्वागतच केले पाहिजे. याचे कारण आयुष्यातील ऐन उमेदीची अनेक वर्षे स्पर्धा परीक्षांच्या तयारीत घालवणाऱ्या महाराष्ट्रातील विद्यार्थ्यांची संख्या दिवसेंदिवस वाढते आहे. कोणत्याही प्रकारची अतिरिक्त रक्कम न देता पात्रतेच्या निकषांत बसणाऱ्या कोणालाही ही परीक्षा देता येते. अगदी घरी बसून अभ्यास करणाऱ्यासही या परीक्षेत यश मिळवण्याची संधी असते. अन्य कोणत्याही व्यावसायिक अभ्यासक्रमांच्या प्रवेशासाठी असणाऱ्या अटी, महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा परीक्षेसाठी असत नाहीत. तसेच प्रचंड शुल्क देऊन आपला प्रवेश निश्चित करण्याचीही आवश्यकता नसते. सर्वात महत्त्वाचे म्हणजे, या परीक्षेनंतरची निवड प्रक्रिया पार पडल्यानंतर सरकारी नोकरीची शाश्वती असते. सामाजिक व्यवस्थेतील ‘प्रतिष्ठा’ या नोकरीने मिळण्याची हमी असते. एके काळी लाल दिव्याच्या मोटारीचे जे प्रचंड आकर्षण होते, ते अद्याप कमी झालेले नाही. जगण्याच्या वेगवेगळ्या परिस्थितीतून विद्यार्थी या परीक्षेत उत्तीर्ण होण्यासाठी आपला कस लावतात, त्यांना प्रशासनात जाऊन काही बदल करण्याच्या शक्यतेचेही आकर्षण असणे स्वाभाविक असते. त्यामुळेच महाराष्ट्रातील सुमारे १२ ते १५ लाख विद्यार्थी कष्ट करून आपले नशीब अजमावण्यासाठी दरवर्षी ही परीक्षा देत असतात. हा आकडा मोठाच, परंतु त्यातील यश मिळवणाऱ्यांचे प्रमाण अत्यल्पाहूनही अत्यल्प. पहिल्याच झटक्यात उत्तीर्ण होणाऱ्यांची संख्या तर त्याहूनही कमी. त्यामुळे पुन:पुन्हा या परीक्षेसाठी तयारी करत राहायची आणि यशाची वाट पाहायची, अशी परिस्थिती निर्माण होते. गेल्या काही दशकांत या परीक्षांसाठीच्या ‘कोचिंग क्लासेस’चे तर पेवच फुटले आहे. राज्यातील मोठय़ा शहरांमध्ये अशा क्लासेसमध्ये प्रवेश मिळवणे हीदेखील एक अवघड बाब होऊन बसली आहे. उत्तम शिक्षक, परीक्षेसाठी आवश्यक ती पुस्तके , शिवाय खास विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी तयार केलेली मार्गदर्शक पुस्तके यांमुळे ग्रामीण भागातून शहरांत केवळ या परीक्षांचा अभ्यास करण्यासाठी येणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांची संख्या प्रचंड असते. साहजिकच त्यांची राहण्याची, जेवण्याची व्यवस्था करण्यासाठी वसतिगृहे आणि खाणावळी यांचीही व्यवस्था निर्माण झाली. ही एक मोठी आर्थिक उलाढाल राज्यात होऊ लागली आहे.

मुलगा मोठा साहेब होणार, या कल्पनेने मोहरून जाणारे पालक आपला जमीनजुमला विकू न, प्रसंगी कर्ज काढून मुलाला शहरात पाठवतात. शहरी वातावरणात रमलेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांना अभ्यासाबरोबरच अन्य आकर्षणे निर्माण होणेही स्वाभाविकच. पुन:पुन्हा परीक्षा द्यावी लागल्याने परत गावाकडे जाणे विद्यार्थ्यांना प्रशस्त वाटत नाही. परिणामी काही वेळा त्यांना निराशा आणि वैफल्याच्या अनुभवाला सामोरे जावे लागते. स्पर्धा परीक्षांकडे वळताना अन्य पर्यायांचाही विचार करणे त्यासाठी अतिशय आवश्यक असते. महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाने यापुढे सर्वसाधारण गटातील विद्यार्थ्यांना सहा, तर उर्वरित मागास प्रवर्गातील विद्यार्थ्यांना नऊ वेळा संधी देण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. सहा किंवा नऊ वेळा परीक्षा द्यावी लागणे हे कठीण असले, तरीही आत्मपरीक्षण करण्यास प्रवृत्त करणारे आहे. पहिल्या काही प्रयत्नांतच ही बाब लक्षात आली, तर अन्य अभ्यासक्रमांसाठी वेळ देण्याचा विचार तरी शक्य होईल. सगळ्यात महत्त्वाचा मुद्दा असा की, ज्या प्रचंड संख्येने विद्यार्थी या परीक्षेसाठी प्रयत्न करतात, तेवढय़ा नोकरीच्या संधी सरकारी व्यवस्थेत आहेत तरी का? दिवसेंदिवस सरकारी नोकऱ्यांचे प्रमाण घटत असताना, ऐन उमेदीतील महत्त्वाचा काळ या नोकरीच्या आमिषापोटी घालवणे किती सयुक्तिक, याचा विचार राज्यातील युवकांनी केला तर त्यांचे भविष्य अधिक सुरक्षित होण्याची शक्यता अधिक.

सौजन्य - टीम लोकसत्ता

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Explained: What is ‘cancel culture’?

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The term ‘cancel’ is a relatively straightforward one; a purchase is ‘cancelled’ if it isn’t needed any more

Merriam Webster says an advertisement campaign is ‘cancelled’ if it is inappropriate or is an unsuccessful marketing strategy. A television show is ‘cancelled’ if it manages only abysmal ratings. For the longest time, the meaning of the term ‘cancel’ hasn’t been very complex, but sometime in the past decade, it has acquired a new definition, particularly in context of internet lingo.

Today, everything and everyone can be ‘cancelled’ if the internet collectively decides that it needs to be so. The term ‘collectively’ is important here because the cancelling of something is really a result of a mass movement, collective in form and force. J.K. Rowling is ‘cancelled’ because of her transphobic views. Cardi B and Nicki Minaj are ‘cancelled’ because they made homophobic comments. Trump is ‘cancelled’ because of his racist, inappropriate conduct and words towards women, people of colour and immigrants

Cancel culture is relatively new; it only surfaced in the last five to six years and has been largely a product of internet culture. One of the reasons why the term’s exact meaning is still being ascertained is perhaps because it is relatively new and its scope is still evolving with developing online behaviour. The most visible examples of cancel culture occur when a celebrity or public figure says or writes something or engages in an act that is deemed offensive and inappropriate by the public

One of the characteristics of cancel culture is also the tendency to ‘pile on’, where social media users engage in mass behaviour by specifically targeting the individual who is being publicly called out. Last month during a speech that he made at Mt. Rushmore, US President Donald Trump appeared to call out “cancel culture”, perhaps because he himself has been a target so often, particularly since he first announced his presidential campaign. It is “the very definition of totalitarianism,” and “completely alien to our culture and our values” with “absolutely no place in the United States of America”, Trump had said

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What do you think about Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations?

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A festival to celebrate or culture and heritage, or an occasion that cause harm to the environment. What do you think about Ganesh Chaturthi?

Ganesh Chaturthi is here and not everyone is excited. Some revel in the festivities, the adorned Ganpati pandals, the hustle and bustle and the modaks!  But others don't see the festive spirit and believe that even Ganesh would get frustrated in the traffic and chaos that the occasion brings. Some also worry about the environmental damage that visarjans cause every year. Pollution has always been a sensitive subject when it comes to Ganpati celebrations. Noise pollution and disruption of daily activities has been another issues, especially for the city folk.

Ganeshutsav mandals are dominated by local politicians and small-time goons. The collection of contribution is sometimes done by coercion; a recent ruling by the Bombay High Court had termed it as such. An unfortunate common occurrence during Ganeshutsav is eve-teasing. Despite steps taken by the police, mandals and vigilant citizens, there are still enough instances for women to feel unsafe.

Another major issue is that of pollution. Many mandals put up loud speakers in their displays whose volume levels are often much beyond the prescribed limit of 65 decibels, causing sound pollution. The submergence of the idols made of plaster of Paris (which is insoluble) and synthetic colour damages the river eco-system. The Ganeshutsav also compounds traffic problems in cities which are already over-burdened. Displays are built on roadsides, and often encroach onto streets. The processions also create bottlenecks. This is the source of great inconvenience to commuters.

So what do you think about Ganesh Chaturthi? Do you think it's the people, and not the festival that's accountable? Do you think eco-friendly Ganpati's can stop this trend? Do you think stricter laws need to be in place to keep the festivities in check?

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The feature will appear only on mobile-based searches in the current phase and will be authenticated with the user's mobile number

Tech giant Google has launched its virtual visiting card feature called 'People Cards' in India. Now Google search results of a person will throw up links to their personal websites, contact details and social media profiles.

People Cards is aimed at helping individuals, influencers, job seekers and freelancers who want to be discovered and expand their reach on the search engine

"Google has launched the feature in India to aid business owners and sole proprietors who are looking to build their online presence amid the Covid-19 outbreak and also because the region's affinity to search their own names," said Lauren Clark, product manager for Search at Google during a virtual event. "The profile's photo, profession and location displayed will help the searcher differentiate individuals with the same name," she said.

In order to create a card, one has to sign into their Google account, search for their name or “add me to Search” and tap the pop-up box that appears. To start building your people card, people can choose to include the image from their respective Google account, add a description of themselves, links to their website or social profiles and even add a phone number or an email address.

India has become the testing ground for products and features of global technology companies. Last month, Instagram started testing its short-video feature 'Reels' to fill the void created by Chinese apps TikTok, one of the apps banned by the government over national security issues. Even Google's Bolo, a language learning app for children, was launched only in India before a global rollout in more than 180 countries and rechristened as 'Read Along' in 9 different countries

The feature will appear only on mobile-based searches in the current phase and will be authenticated with the user’s mobile number. The user will have complete control of the information that gets displayed on the card and can opt-out of the feature anytime, which will stop their details from appearing in search.

To make sure there are no impersonators or fake profiles, Google said it has put protections and controls in place such as mechanisms to prevent abusive or offensive content and allowing only one people card per Google Account.

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While the overall economy has taken a hit, some sectors have converted this threat into an opportunity and are set to see immense growth

Covid-19 has not only had an impact on the health of people at large, the economic damage that it has rendered and will continue to render may be more damaging than the disease itself. During the course of this pandemic, businesses continue to be significantly impacted, liquidity remains tight and so does the scale of operations. New strategic alliances or business partnerships are dwindling during the period. COVID-19 has certainly impacted the Indian economy to a great extent. The government is focussing on meeting hyper demand for essential items like healthcare infrastructure and facilities while non-essential items are seeing a steep decline. On top of that, the restrictions on movement imposed by the Government for the purpose of containing the virus have forced many sectors to pull their shutters down.

Even though the recovery of the underlying economy will be slow, but now most sectors have accepted this to be the new normal. While the overall economy has taken a hit because of the government lockdown, some sectors have converted this threat into an opportunity and are set to see immense growth in the post-COVID era.

  • Digital & Internet Economy: During the course of the pandemic, people have started using digital medium for work commitments, education, and entertainment. Online platforms for work meetings have seen a massive rise in popularity. , Meeting and Video calling Applications have come up with innovative features making it conducive for professionals to work from home. This has also facilitated Schools and universities to start online education and assessments. The lockdown has restricted events that require a massive gathering of people like sports, music festivals, theatre, movies etc. resulting in these sectors taking a hit. Due to which online platforms for digital content has become a huge hit with many movies and shows seeing digital release instead of theatrical release. Due to lockdown, this sector has really seen a boom time like never before.


  • FMCG & Retail: This sector has seen a growth in this tough time. With continued fear of complete lockdown, food-based retail chains and essential commodity providers have emerged as winners. Given the heightened need of healthy food and immunity-boosting products among consumers have further broadened the scope for the companies in the product segment. These companies are revamping their growth strategies with a focus on providing a value proposition to consumers in existing categories, launching new products in the food and health categories, enhancing the direct distribution reach in the rural market, door to door services, etc. which will help them to achieve the growth in the medium term. By this, companies have been trying to broaden their product portfolio and reducing dependence on seasonal offerings.

Leading brands like Dabur, Patanjali, Zandu and other organic brands have launched more products and variants in the health food segment. The lockdown and social distancing requirement has forced consumer behaviour to shift from eating outdoors to home-cooked food or ready to eat items. Also, the deadly virus has led to the growing need for quality immunity building products like chawanprash and immunity-boosting health drinks. A number of these initiatives were already in the queue but as per the situation demanded these companies have taken the opportunity for the expansion and launched new products.

  • Specialty Chemicals: Increased need for cleansing and sanitation has catapulted the demand for hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and surface cleaners. India’s largest fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies have rolled out a range of home cleaning, disinfectants, and personal hygiene products as they anticipate a surge in demand for such items amid the COVID-19 crisis. Companies such as ITC Ltd and CavinKare have rolled out surface disinfectants. ITC has launched a Savlon-branded surface disinfectant spray, after a hand sanitizing liquid, Savlon Hexa. Also, Marico Ltd announced to launch of ‘Veggie Clean’, a fruit and vegetable wash.

Also, the increased demand for the disinfectants, drugs, and medicines due to the pandemic, has given an opportunity to the organisations manufacturing chemicals required for manufacturing these. Hence organisations dealing in chemicals are expected to see a spike in demand owing to increased demand for disinfectants, drugs, and medicines by the customers.

  • Healthcare Sector: Healthcare sectors have faced hardships owing to the lockdown and all non-emergency treatments taking a back seat. But this sector shall see immense investment in the aftermath of the pandemic. The world would now realise that the threat of a pandemic is very real and investment in the sector to safeguard will be done in the near future. The rife spread of the virus has warranted people to take precautions to save themselves from this deadly disease. Demand for certain medical devices like oximeters, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits, and masks have seen a rise as infected patients with mild symptoms under self-care and isolation need these basic devices for self-monitoring.

The market to the above-specified sectors is expected to see growth owing to this pandemic. Some are converting this into an opportunity by changing their product mix. New brands are coming up with essential supplies like hand sanitizers and disinfectant cleaners. While these brands are taking advantage of this opportunity, established brands that have built trust over the years are leading through this rat race.

The world has seen something like never before. The COVID-19 crisis has ultimately lead to an emergence of new FMCG products, a change in consumer behavior, and a shift in the market’s focus on health protection and hygiene. In order to get the business and economy back on track, the companies are moving forward by taking the situation of the pandemic as an opportunity. Some are coming up with innovative ideas and resultantly getting the first-mover advantage, whose impact will entertain a long-lasting impact on the market.

For the survival of the business, growth plays a vital role and it depends on its internal environment and external environment. The internal environment is the strength and weakness of the business entity whereas the external environment lists all factors which affect the business which is uncontrollable. The trick lies in playing with the uncontrollable factors eventually budding them into opportunities.

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A Memorandum of Understanding or (MoU) is an official document that represents an agreement between two or more parties on a common issue

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) does not bind the parties involved in the agreement and does not even act as legal evidence in case of the failure of keeping promises mentioned in the Memorandum of Understanding.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) simply represents that two or more parties are willing to work on something together, and it can be referred to as the first step towards getting into a legal contract. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) can be drawn on a napkin or can be a detailed written document after the full day meeting between two or more parties. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is used often used in international pact negotiations and also used in the business world for merger and acquisition talks.

Most of the time, A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is confused with other similar agreements such as Memorandum of Agreement or Letter of Intent. But in legal terms, all of these serve the same purpose, and there is not much difference between them on the legal level. Moreover, In the United States of America, Memorandum of Understanding is a synonym to the Letter of Intent.

Like I mentioned before, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) can be a concise and small written document, or it can be a long and detailed document, but irrespective of its length and detail it states the mutual expectations of the parties involved along with their acceptance of the expectations mentioned in the Memorandum of Understanding.

A memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is less official than a contract, which means parties can’t sue legally each other if a breach takes place, and it is more formal than a handshake agreement or a gentleman’s agreement.

How a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) works?

When two or more parties sign a Memorandum of Understanding, it shows the hint of agreement between the parties involved, and they are willing to move forward and work together. A memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is prepared before signing a final contract. It consists of all the details of the contract before a final legal contract. Therefore, It is not wrong to say that a Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement before a final agreement. A memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a straightforward and simple document which states the conditions, needs, and wants of both parties. It is wise to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding rather than just writing pointers plainly on a paper. This makes the conversation between the two parties more formal, and they know they whatever they are saying is being documented, and this makes them pay more attention to the meeting.

Sometimes, a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is prepared by making notes of a conversation between two parties. This method of writing a Memorandum of Understanding is adopted when two government bodies or senior management of large business organizations interact with each other.

A memorandum of Understanding holds power because of the time and energy invested in the preparation of it and helps in makes the further process smooth and free of any confusion, such as, after the preparation of the first draft, parties can meet and discuss on the points mentioned in the memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to make a final contract and minimize the confusion

Even though a Memorandum of Understanding is not a legal document but along with negotiable points mentioned by both parties, it also contains information like contact information of both parties, dates for performance review, processes involved for dispute resolution, begins date, and expiry date of the Memorandum of Understanding. Moreover, if you want, you can also include privacy statements, disclaimers, and restrictions on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). In the last, it is duly signed by the parties involved.

In simple words, we can say that a Memorandum of Understanding helps in keeping track of everything mentioned in a meeting without missing anything, and it makes the further process of creating a final contract smoothly.

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The new Your Phone app would arrive first on newly-launched Samsung Galaxy Note 20 devices and other devices later

Microsoft has introduced a new Your Phone app that will help users access their Android phone apps directly from their desktops running Windows 10. With this, the users will soon be able to run multiple Android apps like Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter side by side. The new Your Phone app would arrive first on newly-launched Samsung Galaxy Note 20 devices and other devices later.

The apps experience in Your Phone is gradually rolling out only to Windows Insiders on a PC that is configured to be in the Dev, Beta, or Release Preview Channels," Microsoft said in a statement on Wednesday

This is how it works.

Tap into Your Phone app with Link to Windows integration on select Samsung devices to instantly access your phone's mobile apps directly from your Windows 10 PC. There's no need to install, sign-in or set up your apps on your PC. The users can conveniently pin their favourite mobile apps to the Taskbar or Start menu on their PCs for quick and easy access. When you launch an app, it opens in a separate window outside of the Your Phone app enabling you to multitask," said Microsoft

Later in the year, Samsung Galaxy Note20 users will experience the power and convenience of running multiple apps side by side and "we will continue to work with Samsung to bring this feature to additional devices" Apps will launch in separate windows enabling you to interact with multiple apps at the same time.

So, whether you are working on a document, keeping up on your social media feed or simply staying connected with family and friends, everything is accessible in one place, so your flow is never broken," said Microsoft

Android phones supporting Your Phone app's Phone screen feature will now be able to preview the Apps feature. Microsoft stressed that the ability to run multiple apps simultaneously is currently not available and will be introduced later this year

The new feature works on PCs running Windows 10 October 2018 Update or later and is available on select Android phones running Android 9.0 or greater with the Link to Windows integration.

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If you call yourself a leader or aspire to be one, the Microsoft co-founder has some plain advice for you.

Bill Gates said something years ago that should resonate deep within the collective conscience of leaders everywhere. The co-founder of Microsoft pointed out

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."

In two words, Gates nailed a defining characteristic of true leaders: empower others.

Let's now reframe his quote to match the surreal circumstances in which we find ourselves today. When you think of what great leaders may be doing to pivot and meet the demands of a stay-at-home economy, what comes to mind?

For starters, more of us are waking up to the stark reality that virtual collaboration is now the norm. And to Gates' point, whatever you thought about leaders before the outbreak, one thing remains true for either office or remote settings: Great leaders set themselves apart by effectively influencing and empowering other human beings.

Empowerment in crisis.-

The need to empower people doesn't change just because circumstances do. From what I've observed from great leaders recently, plus my own personal experiences adjusting to the new work climate, here are some ways to empower the people around you and take your leadership to the next level

Put your employees first- Every leader's role right now involves proactively responding daily to the challenges facing their people. Whether it's meeting to discuss steps to protect employees or the business, good leaders are being empathetic to meet people's needs. They are being mindful of the mental health needs of their team members and their families as social isolation, potential ill health, economic hardships, and other uncertainties of life weigh on people in unique ways.

Encourage fun and flexibility-

Empowering people in virtual settings shouldn't be limited to work hours. To develop a spirit of community within remote tribes, many leaders are using video for virtual coffee or lunch breaks together. Saar Yoskovitz, CEO of Augury, an AI-based machine health solutions company keeps his people connected by holding digital happy hours with his team. On Saint Patrick's Day, people logged in, cameras on, of course, and had their favorite drinks together from the comfort of their own homes. "Many of our people are now working from home while taking care of their kids -- so we're making sure to give them more flexibility, understanding, and fun distractions," he shared over email.

Invest in digital solutions-

According to research from PwC's Digital IQ report, the top 5 percent of digital leaders invest a third more than other companies in the digital infrastructure of their business, leading to 77 percent of them seeing increased employee satisfaction. However, during times of crisis, many firms "pull back on investments and conserve cash, but really [they] should be focusing on their digital investments," says PwC global chief experience officer David Clarke, who spoke to me about the research. Clarke continues, "Companies that weren't working this way before are going to quickly wake up to the need to make virtual collaboration and cross-functional work the norm

Look to your employee for the answers-

Historically, leadership has been a practice to be performed by the few in places of higher status and positional authority. But in reality, when seeking solutions to problems, people with great ideas are everywhere. Don't look up in the ivory tower or externally to consultants for solutions that can be found within your own tribe. You'll be surprised to find that the best resources are likely already residing in a nearby Slack channel, or just a Zoom conference call away

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Here are five investment options for salaried individuals to meet their various financial goals depending on their time horizon and risk appetite

The fixed income of salaried individuals gives them an edge over their non-salaried counterparts in planning expenses and saving regularly for various financial goals. However, this relative income certainty often leads many of them to become complacent in choosing the right instruments for their various financial goals.

Here I will list 5 investment options for salaried individuals to meet their various financial goals depending on their time horizon and risk appetite.

  1. Bank Fixed Deposits

Bank fixed deposits guarantee interest income and principal repayments at booked rates regardless of any changes in the card rate during the tenure. Deposits opened with scheduled banks also qualify for the deposit insurance program provided by DICGC, a subsidiary of RBI. This insurance covers your FDs, RDs, and deposits in your savings and current accounts for up to 5 lakh per bank, per depositor in case of bank failures.

Presently, some small finance banks and private sector banks are offering highest FD slab rates of 7.5-9% p.a., which is around 200-300 bps higher than highest FD slab rates offered by other private sector banks. Hence, those wishing to avail higher interest rates from bank FDs with maximum level of capital and income protections can spread their fixed deposits across multiple banks offering higher interest rates in such a way that their cumulative deposits including savings, recurring, fixed and current accounts do not exceed Rs 5 lakh in each of those banks.

Those wishing to save tax under Section 80C can also open tax saving fixed deposits having a lock-in period of 5 years. While the deposit amount qualifies for tax deduction, their interest income is taxed as per the tax slab of the depositor.

Opt for fixed deposits for your short-term goals if you seek maximum possible income certainty and capital protection on your investments.

  1. Equity Mutual Funds

Equity funds have to invest at least 65% of their corpus in equities and equity related instruments. As equities outperform inflation and fixed income instruments over the long run by a wide margin, equity mutual funds are best suited for retail investors who want to benefit from long term wealth creation potential of equities but lack the expertise or time of directly investing in them. Moreover, equity funds also include ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Schemes), popularly known as tax saving mutual funds, which qualifies for tax deduction under Section 80C and have the shortest lock in period of 3 years among all investment options available under this Section

One can start investing in equity mutual funds with just Rs 5,000 in case of lump sum and Rs 1,000 for additional/ subsequent investments. The minimum investment amount for SIPs is usually Rs 1,000. In case of ELSS, the minimum amount is Rs 500 per month via SIP. Prefer equity mutual funds over fixed income investments for financial goals maturing after 5 years.

  1. Debt Mutual Funds

Debt mutual funds invest primarily in market-linked fixed income instruments like government securities, corporate bonds, money market instruments, etc. Exposure to fixed income instruments makes debt funds less volatile than equity mutual funds. On the other hand, exposure to market-linked fixed income securities allows most debt fund categories to generate higher returns than bank fixed deposits. Note, investors seeking a higher degree of capital protection should opt for short term debt funds like low duration, ultra-short duration and short duration funds. While these funds are market linked and do not ensure income certainty, the risk of capital erosion is very less. Debt papers held by them have shorter maturity profiles than other debt fund categories, which makes them less prone to capital erosion and interest rate risk. Those with higher risk appetite and longer investment horizon can opt for debt funds having longer duration profiles. Opt for short term debt mutual funds for your short-term financial goals if you wish higher returns than bank fixed deposits.

  1. Public Provident Fund

Among all fixed income investment options, PPF is one of the safest options due to the accompanying sovereign guarantee from the government. Investment in PPF qualifies for tax deduction under Section 80C. The interest component and maturity amount are also tax free, giving it an edge over bank fixed deposits and other small savings schemes.

The biggest shortcoming of PPF is its lack of liquidity. It comes with a 15 years lock in period with premature closures, partial withdrawals and loan against PPF allowed on few pre-laid conditions. The interest component is compounded annually while its interest rate is reviewed every financial quarter by the Ministry of Finance. Currently, PPF is offering 7.1% p.a. returns for the 2nd quarter of FY 21.

  1. Voluntary Provident Fund

VPF is just an extension of the EPF scheme. It allows EPF subscribers to voluntarily invest over and above their mandatory EPF contribution up to 100% of their basic salary and dearness allowance. Similar to EPF, contributions to VPF qualify under tax deduction under Section 80C. Their interest rate is also the same as EPF, which is revised annually. Being an extension of EPF, all the EPF rules regarding partial withdrawals, taxation, nomination, etc apply to VPF as well.

Opt for PPF or VPF for your long-term financial goals if you have a low risk appetite or are seeking diversification through asset classes covered by the sovereign guarantee.

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Publish Your Course and Get Paid

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Assertive communication is a way to put forward your values without hurting anyone else

Further to continue with our earlier session on Online Education, released on May 7th 2020, the earning an income by sharing your expertise with exclusive audience of Skilling India, eLearning the platform is an opportunity for Industry Experts, Professional, Educationalist and nonprofit organizations to published their content, courses, webinar, career oriented sessions and get noticed by 2L+ registered members.

Create, Publish And Get Paid

  • Sell unlimited number of courses with no transaction fees
  • Create an online course content or recorded content and publish on Skilling India eLearning portal and get paid on monthly basis. Currently 2L+ learners are getting opportunity to learn for free and advance paid course on on eLearning Portal of Skilling India. You need not have to take efforts in selling. The Course get noticed by the registered members and they just subscribe as per their interest. Better the content, interesting the subject, higher the subscription.
  • Payments will be transferred directly to your bank account. On monthly basis.

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Assertive communication is a way to put forward your values without hurting anyone else

 It is the best type of communication which helps you to put forward your opinion without being misunderstood by the person in front.

By adept use of the Assertive Communication Skills, you will be able to raise your voice for your rights (and other’s rights) without being aggressive. Such a form of communication is quite useful in reducing stress, drama, and conflicts.

While addressing the power of being assertive, Doreen Virtue once said-

Once you have a major success with assertiveness, you learn that it’s a much healthier path than being a doormat to the insensitive folks. You gain respect for yourself, have more time for your priorities, and develop authentic and healthier relationships

What is Assertive Communication?-

Assertive communication is something that leads to a win-win situation.

It is all about putting your views while respecting other’s opinions and beliefs. It is taking a stand for your own while not undermining the needs of the other. It is the balance between aggressive and passive communication. The aggressive form of communication hurts feelings and fractures relations while on the other hand, a passive form of communication leads to stress, negative feel, and resentment. With Assertive communication, you will be able to resolve both of these issues with quite ease and effectiveness. So, all in all, assertive communication enables you to demand respect without being disrespectful in any way.


Assertive communication has the significance of its own. Following are some of them

What are the Notable Characteristics of Assertive Communication-

Eye contact

This leads you to talk to the opposite person directly with a clear vision and demonstrates sincerity


Positive body language increases the listener’s interest also. It helps to draw the opposite person’s attention.

Body postures

A confident upright body posture helps the expression of confidence and self-esteem


Right toning and clear voice pull in the attention of the opposite person. And it helps to express your views clearly.


A proper judgment to point out the timing helps to express the views adequately.


Incorporating the right content in your discussion/debate and putting that forward at the right time is quite critical in assertive communication.

In addition to these characteristics, three Cs play a significant role in assertive communication

How to master Assertive Communication Skills-

Have the right tone-

While having assertive communication, you must opt for the right toning skills when you put forward your opinion.

Have will to continue the discussion to find the solution-

A discussion or conversation can only productive and constructive if it reaches the final solution.

Assertive communication ensures this, but you need to have the will to continue the discussion positively and respectfully, so everyone likes to participate in the conversation.

Pay heed upon the nonverbal communication-

Gesture, posture, body language, reactions, listening cues, etc. play significant roles in assertive communication, and you need to be mindful of those as well.

Such gestures and postures should never translate into passive or aggressive forms of communication.

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Any global catastrophe or fallout leads to various crises and hardships to deal with. On the other hand, they leave us with a lot of learning and innovation

Every industry, globally or nationally has taken a hit during these testing times including the Education system. The schools and universities are non-operational due to the nationwide lockdown which will surely have a negative impact on the academic curriculum.

Certainly, no one could have foreseen this calamity but we can be prepared for any such future events and cope up with the current situation. In times like these, smart classes are something that would be beneficial; through digital learning students and teacher can continue with the classes in a regular manner and avoid jeopardizing the studies

Digitization of education-It is imperative that digitization of education is considered a priority especially in India, where very few schools are equipped with the hardware and don’t have the technical skills to conduct smart classes. Web learning can be an efficient way to continue the curriculum without any delay in a situation of crisis

Other than fighting and coping up with difficult situations web learning also has other added benefits for both teachers and students. Smart classes help the teachers to turn boring lectures into fun and interactive sessions with the help of a visual display of data. Mentioned below are a few advantages of web learning

Information sharing: Following the social distancing protocol, sharing and broadcasting study material is more convenient and faster with web classes.

The study material can be uploaded and shared amongst the educators throughout the world from anywhere which can be referred to while conducting lectures. This information sharing tool provides notes and study material from multiple teachers in order to avoid duplication of efforts in creating study material for the same topic. A few web learning software have their resource bank which can be used by the educators to teach the students at any given point.

Mobility: One of the main advantages of smart classes is that they can be accessed from any part of the world. Essentially in times like these when everyone is supposed to be indoors, the teachers can conduct live lectures from their residence and the students can join the lectures online and match upto the curriculum.

Even if the student or teacher is traveling, they can catch up to the scheduled lessons and avoid any delays in finishing the course. There are no time restrictions attached to web classes, the student can access notes from anywhere, all they need is an Internet connection.

Ease of accessing the information: The live lectures that the teachers conduct digitally can be recorded and saved for future references which can be of help to the students who might have missed the live session. These recordings can also be used by students and teachers later to review the lessons

Saves time: Web classes consume lesser time than traditional classes, for both teachers and students. Students don’t need to make elongated rough notes while in class, they can refer to the lecture recordings and presentations shared by the teachers. Even the teachers can share feedback online in lesser time

Enhances productivity: Data shared in a visual format with the students will keep the students gripped to the lessons. Web classes not only keep the students interested in the class, but they also help in better understand in a lesser time frame. Web classes are usually more interactive since the students tend to pay more attention to the lessons being taught.

Eco-friendly: Smart classes are also a way to promote the ‘go green’ concept. Since all the data and study material is shared online there is no wastage of paper, pencil, printouts etc. This is just another added benefit of switching to web classes, it helps and promotes keeping nature green and clean.

Digital education is transforming how today’s generation learns and retains the lessons at schools and universities. Gradually classrooms are being transferred into interactive rooms for learning and teaching, traditional ways are being replaced by the latest digital technology making education unique and interactive. It is believed that learning through digital tools will ensure better participation from students.

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Making an investment plan involves more than just choosing the right product to put money in.

One has to consider the financial situation, risk appetite and investment goals. It’s also important to define the timeline and how much risk an investor is willing to take on in order to determine the optimal asset allocation.

Here's the three P's of Smart Investing - Plan, Prepare & Persist to achieve the long term goals



Set up an SIP to inculcate a habit of regular saving and build discipline

Look for the right asset-mix based on your risk appetite and financial goals



Consult a Financial Advisor/Planner to plan and build your portfolio as per your goals and risk-taking ability

Diversify your portfolio across various asset classes to mitigate risk


With rupee-cost averaging you can take advantage of the market highs and lows to benefit over the long term

With rupee-cost averaging you can take advantage of the market highs and lows to benefit over the long term

As the saying goes, “The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.” So one needs to sit down with a financial planner and understand the importance of making a comprehensive investment portfolio to achieve the required goals.

An Investor Education & Awareness Initiative

Investors should deal only with Registered Mutual Funds, to be verified on SEBI website under Intermediaries/Market Infrastructure Institutions". Refer for details on completing a one-time KYC (Know Your Customer) process, change of details like address, phone number etc.

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Web Designing for Beginners (Hindi)

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Web Designing for Beginners (Hindi)

Opportunit for Digital Smart Employment Card members to improve basic skills of web designing tools. The course is listed in Hindi so that all rural members can avail this opportunity. The validity of course is life time. The containt of course reviesed every after three month.

The course contains below topics

  1. Web Designing & Development Courses
  2. Install Visual Studio
  3. Material CSS tutorial
  4. Text & Background Clolour
  5. Button in Materialize CSS
  6. Floating Button in Materialize css
  7. Fixed Action Button in Materialize css
  8. Fixed Action part-2
  9. Navigation Bar in Materialize css
  10. Responsive Navbar in material css
  11. Dropdown Button in Material css
  12. Google Material Icons
  13. Awesome Side Navigation
  14. Collection and Lists in Materialize css
  15. Styling List
  16. Grid Layout in Materialize css
  17. Responsive Grid layout with images
  18. Cards in Materialize css
  19. Card panel in material css
  20. Shadow in material css
  21. Footer Design in Material css
  22. Styling Forms in Materialize css
  23. Advanced Form Styling in Materialize css
  24. Toast Message
  25. Carousel in Material css
  26. Responsive Table & Image
  27. Image Slider in Material css
  28. Chips & Pagination in Material css
  29. Tooltip in Material CSS
  30. Material box in Materialize css
  31. Modal in Materialize css
  32. Parallax effect in Materialize css
  33. Tabs in Materialize css
  34. Collapsible in Material CSS
  35. PHP Course Introduction
  36. Learn PHP Course
  37. What is HTTP Server
  38. Execution of PHP Code
  39. Setup for php
  40. First code in PHP
  41. Comments in php
  42. Variables in PHP
  43. String in PHP
  44. Operators and Data Types in PHP
  45. Operator in PHP
  46. Print and Echo in PHP
  47. Conditional statement in PHP
  48. Numbers Program in PHP
  49. Switch statement in php
  50. Installing XAMPP in windows
  51. Array in PHP
  52. Multi-Dimension array in php
  53. Associative Array in PHP
  54. Functions in PHP
  55. Different types of function in PHP
  56. Material CSS project
  57. Global variables in PHP
  58. Include Other files in PHP
  59. Redirection in PHP
  60. GET and POST Method
  61. Login System in PHP
  62. PhpMyAdmin Crash Course
  63. Basic SQL Commands
  64. PHP Database connection
  65. Selecting Data from database with php
  66. Insert Database with PHP
  67. Updating data in Database using PHP
  68. Database with PHP from scratch
  69. Date and Time in PHP
  70. Functionality in PHP
  71. Encrypt password in PHP
  72. Make a Admin Panel
  73. Cookies in PHP
  74. CMS from scratch in PHP
  75. Side Navigation designing
  76. Designing for CMS in PHP

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Facebook is building tools and technology to improve maps through a combination of machine learning, satellite imagery and partnerships with mapping communities

In a move aimed at taking on Google Maps, Facebook has acquired Swedish startup Mapillary, that is building a detailed, accurate, and up to date global street-level imagery platform, for an undisclosed sum.

Facebook is building tools and technology to improve maps through a combination of machine learning, satellite imagery and partnerships with mapping communities.

These maps power products like Facebook Marketplace that drive transactions for millions of small businesses, and supply vital data to humanitarian organisations around the world.

With tens of thousands of contributors to our platform and with maps being improved with Mapillary data every single day, we're now taking the next big step on that journey," Mapillary co-founder and CEO Jan Erik said in a statement on Thursday

By merging our efforts, we will further improve the ways that people and machines can work with both aerial and street-level imagery to produce map data," he added.

The startup plans to continue being a global platform for imagery, map data, and improving all maps.

Our commitment to OpenStreetMap stays. The plan is for the rights given to OpenStreetMap editors to remain unchanged and for our work with OpenStreetMap communities and companies to continue on the same path as always," the startup explained

By continuing to make all images uploaded to Mapillary open, public, and available to everyone, "we hope to enable new use cases, and grow the breadth of coverage and usage to benefit mapping for everyone

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Lots of new smartphones can accommodate just 15 or 18W, so you can imagine what 100W of power is going to do for the internals

Fast charging is a boon for smartphone users, there are absolutely no two ways about that. Fast charging is also a key differentiator among new-age phones. But fast charging can also be fatal for your smartphone, so it seems.

According to a study done by the researchers at Tencent’s Xuanwu Lab, a smartphone charging with fast chargers can melt and also some time can catch fire. The researchers have found a new vulnerability called BadPower that can alter the firmware of fast charging devices into a fire hazard that in turn can destroy phones. Researchers at the Tencent’s Xuanwu lab claim that BadPower interferes with the performance to produce more power than is appropriate for the connected unit, which can be incredibly high for the current charger.


The report from the Xuanwu lab stated that out of 35 chargers they tested for verifying their assertion, 18 of them showed vulnerabilities for the BadPower. The report, however, did not name the brands of chargers used for experiments to build the assertion of the impact of BadPower.


The group of researchers claimed that BadPower interferes with the performance to produce more power than is appropriate for any charger. The firmware in these chargers should negotiate the correct combination of voltage and current to charge a connected device at maximum speed, which for power delivery can be as high as 20V and 5A. Lots of new smartphones can accommodate just 15 or 18W, so you can imagine what 100W of power is going to do for the internals.

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Social media platform Twitter is ready to bring some new and additional choices for iOS users

Social media platform Twitter is ready to bring some new and additional choices for iOS users. The company is planning to introduce new icons for the home screen. A report by 9to5Mac, has revealed that Twitter sent out a survey to Twitter insiders program members in order to get feedback on new icon design that the company has made for iOS users. The survey has been conducted so the company can ascertain which icon is most preferred by the users. The report said that the company also included the default Twitter icon in the survey as well

It is to note that iPadOS and iOS can allow developers to offer many app icons and it seems like Twitter may want to tap into this by additional options. The report indicated that Twitter might add a new setting in the Twitter app for iPhone and iPad that is expected to allow users to choose one custom icon from the collection offered by the company than using a default one.


Given that Twitter decided to bring one or more icons for its app, the roll out may have to be done with an updated version of the app. Furthermore, the company may include a new Setting that will simply allow users to opt for one particular app icon. According to media reports, there are three new icons that have been shown to users in the survey where the company has played with colours.


Apart from this, Twitter may also come up with a new splash screen but it is still unclear whether all these additional features will make it to users or not.


Meanwhile, Twitter has recently reported hacking of its internal systems which led to hacking of many accounts of famous personalities. The accounts of the US presidential candidate Joe Biden, former president Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos among others had been hacked

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The Zoom technology centre will be based in Bengaluru and will be tasked with R&D, IT, legal and HR as well security. Zoom said it will start hiring “immediately” for all of these operations

Zoom on Tuesday announced that it will expand its India operations by setting up a local technology centre after the video conferencing service saw a 6700% growth (in free user sign ups) in the country. The announcement comes just days after Zoom’s newly appointed president of engineering and products, Velchamy Sankarligam confirmed, the company was planning to make a “significant” investment in India over the next five years including expanding its footprint and hiring more top talent in the region.


The Zoom technology centre will be based in Bengaluru and will be tasked with R&D, IT, legal and HR as well security. Zoom said it will start hiring “immediately” for all of these operations. “Zoom selected Bengaluru for its exceptional engineering and IT talent. The company will immediately begin recruiting DevOps engineers, IT, Security, and Business Operations headcount in the area. Employees will work from home until the pandemic-related remote work has subsided,” Zoom said in a statement.


Zoom’s India expansion plans come during a tumultuous time for the company. On the one end it is fighting misconceptions about its alleged links with China and on the other hand it is facing new competition from homegrown brand Jio and its competing app JioMeet. Unlike most technology brands though, Zoom has been fairly vocal and transparent in “addressing” these challenges rather than being defensive, and even today, it is “optimistic” about its ongoing engagement with the Indian government.


“India is and will continue to be an important market for Zoom, and we are excited to build on the exciting opportunities we see in the region,” Sankarligam had said in a blog post recently adding that Zoom was looking to engage with stakeholders in the country in the coming months to “support Digital India, StartUp India, and Skills India.”


Zoom started its formal operations in India in September last year. The San Jose-headquartered company has an office in Mumbai and employs people in different functionalities. The expansion represents a “growing strategic investment in the country” and is “in direct response to Zoom’s increased level of adoption by users across India.” Zoom said the new technology centre in Bengaluru will play a vital role as a source of innovation for the company.

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Issuing an alert, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has asked the users of Google Chrome browser to update the browsing app as soon as possible to avoid any misconduct on their data. The CERT-In has asked the Chrome users to update their app if they are using the browser version released before Google Chrome version 84.0.4147.89. The emergency response team has graded the possible vulnerabilities on Chrome’s older version with high severity and has laid out an advisory to help users in prevention from possible infringement of data privacy.

The agency for maintaining Indian cyberspace security has issued the latest guidelines on account of multiple vulnerabilities in Google Chrome that could potentially enable remote attackers in executing arbitrary code, bypassing security restrictions, accessing sensitive information along with conducting spoofing attack, and denial of services (DoS) on the target systems.

Detailing the cause of these loopholes in Google Chrome, CERT-In laid the blame on heap buffer flow, side-channel information leakage, type confusion and an inappropriate implementation in WebRTC among others.

CERT-In has been circumspect of Google Chrome in the past as well and has come down heavily on the availability of certain extensions on the chrome store. Earlier this month, the CERT-In had asked Google Chrome users to uninstall certain extensions that were caught collecting “sensitive” user data. The federal cyber-security agency had recommended that users uninstall Google Chrome extensions with IDs given in section IOCs (organizational chart). The CERT-In had also suggested users to visit the Chrome extensions page and assess if they have in the past installed any extensions now found to be malicious.

CERT-In had also stated that some extensions included code to circumvent Google Chrome ‘s security scans on the Web store. The malicious extensions were able to take screenshots, read the clipboard, harvest authentication cookies or capture passwords and other confidential information with user keystrokes

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Purchasing power is defined as the value of the currency. It is described as the number of services or goods that one unit of the currency can buy. It is an indicator of the present market conditions because it enables a person or a business entity to know the amount the unit of reducing will be able to purchase.

Meaning of purchasing power

Purchasing power is described as the ability of a single or a group of economic factors that can easily influence the prices in the market. The purchasing power has a direct and indirect impact on the

Consumer spending

The economic growth of the country

Investment or financial decision-making

Consumer choices

The purchasing power always takes into account the inflation rate. When the purchasing power decreases, the cost of services and goods, one unit of currency can purchase increases. Increases increase in the cost of living and reducing consumer borrowing and spending. A decrease in purchasing power will signify the growth in the economy and vice-versa.

Factors influencing purchasing power


Purchasing power is considered an economic theory and can be measured by calculating the number of items a consumer can purchase with one fixed unit. Economists and government agencies keep track on the purchasing power of the consumer because it has an impact on the overall economy of a company. The factors that influence the purchasing power are as follo

  1. Supply and demand

The supply and demand theory refers to the supply of services and goods from different companies against the demand for those services and goods from the consumers. If the companies start producing more goods than the actual demand indicates it will result in a reduction in product prices. This is so because the companies will try to recapture its production costs by offloading unsold inventory. The low prices are an indicator of high purchasing power. The high demand for goods and services is the result of less supply. It means higher prices and lower purchasing power of a consumer

  1. Interest and credit rates

When a consumer does not have the required cash in hand, he opts for credit purchase. Although it is possible to buy more than your means through credit, it also has some repercussions because the consumer will have to pay their creditors even if their available credit has decreased. This means that although the purchasing power of a consumer has increased for a temporary period in the long-term, it has reduced considerably.

  1. Inflation- One of the standards and constant factors in purchasing power is inflation. It is about too much money when there are too few goods. It results in reduced purchasing power and increased consumer prices over a specific period. An example of inflation is that a few years back it was possible to watch a cricket match with a ticket of Rs 100 but in recent days the same ticket costs Rs 500.
  2. Tax rates-Taxes can lower the real income of the consumer and this is why higher rates of taxes result in decreasing the purchasing power of an individual. When the government levies taxes it leaves the consumer will less amount of money and they can afford fewer goods and services. It lowers consumer spending and slows down the economic growth of that nation
  3. Exchange rates- Traveling to a place where the exchange rate will facilitate high purchasing power per unit will result in a cost-effective trip. Suppose a person from India visits Nepal or Bangladesh. He will have more purchasing power in both the countries as their exchange rate will favor Indian rupees over their currency.

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Feeling frustrated in your career? Consider joining--or better yet starting--a mastermind group. A mastermind group is a group of eight to 10 of your professional peers, at least some of them more experienced than you. It can meet just once or on an ongoing basis for open-ended discussion or to talk about a specific topic. In the best mastermind groups, members become each other's board of advisers, sharing opportunities and helping each other reach their goals. One of the biggest benefits of a mastermind group is that the other members will give you honest and objective advice, Capland explains in a blog post. "Most people who are close to us, either at home or work, have a stake in our choices and outcomes and therefore aren't really the best people to advise us objectively. A mastermind group will give you real coaching, feedback, and thought-partnership to help you brainstorm new possibilities that maybe you didn't realize you were even thinking about." Mastermind groups can also help you build your network, because group members often share contacts, and learn about how to be more successful, because group members share advice based on their own experience.

Don't be shy about inviting members who are more successful than you- Capland did this when she started her own first mastermind group, three years after she started her own as an executive coaching business. "I didn't really know how to grow a consulting practice," she says. So she decided to enlist other corporate consultants for an information sharing group. Wanting to learn from those who knew more than she did, Capland decided to set some minimum criteria--other group members had to be in business for at least five years or be earning over a certain threshold to be invited to join. Then she showed her list of criteria to a more experienced colleague and asked his opinion. He not only approved, he said he wanted to join the group himself. That mastermind group went on to meet every other month for several years. "Everyone in the group knew I had the least experience. They didn't care," Capland says.

  1. Start with one other person- Before you start a mastermind group, Capland advises, figure out exactly what you want to get out of it, and what result would make the group a success for you. That will help you figure out what criteria to use and whom you should invite to join the group. The ideal size for a mastermind group is eight to 10 people, experts agree. But, Capland says, even if you start your own group, it's very rare to select all the other members, because most people you invite will want to invite others as well. So start by inviting just one or two people. You may see your group fill up more quickly than you expected.
  2. Have a pilot meeting- If the group decides to meet regularly, you should decide together how often to meet, and whether to focus meetings around a single topic of discussion or even a presentation that one group member makes. Each group member can take a turn leading the discussion and you can decide whether to meet in person or virtually. Capland says she's been holding mastermind sessions by video chat for years so as to be able to include group members from different regions. Either way, the best approach is to begin with a single pilot meeting and see how the group gels before committing to more, she advises
  3. Don't expect it to last forever- All great mastermind groups come to an end at some point, Capland says. "Either you stop getting anything out of it or one or two people step out or the group simply decides to disband." In the case of her consultants' group, they continued meeting for five years and then were asked to speak at a conference. They did, and "from that moment, our mastermind dissolved. Nothing bad had happened, the group had just run its course. With Capland now a highly successful coach, it had also done its job.





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Self-learning is defined as a method of garnering information and after processing and retaining it without taking the help of another individual. It is the responsibility of the learner to learn and hold on to the knowledge without the help of another human resource. It is a modern way of learning that helps a person to teach himself skills and knowledge that will prove relevant to his daily activities. It has not replaced the instructional learning process that has been used traditionally instead has become an extra key that will open the doors of knowledge for everyone who is interested in acquiring it.

Process of self-learning-

Be clear in your objectives and goals

It is important for a self-learner to be clear in his mind about his objectives and goals. Remember he has to study and learn independently through intentional learning and thus he needs to be clear in his perception from the beginning. Start the process of self-learning by setting up result-oriented and smartly formulated objectives. Define the topics and what needs to be covered so that you can gather relevant information without wasting any time

Find a reliable source-

With the advent of the internet, you will find thousands of materials for any of the topics you want to pursue. Make sure that you have reached a reliable source that has credibility so that the information is correct and verified.

Allow yourself to be curious-

If you are curious then you will have to dig deep and this will uncover facts that will help you in your self-learning process. As per several medical journals, curiosity is a trait that makes life exciting and ultimately more productive.

Motivate yourself and make the subject interesting

Are you going through the process of self-learning only because you have to or are you seriously interested in that subject Remember disinterest will not take you far and hence motivate yourself early on if you want to attain your goal. You can learn only what you want to learn and hence make sure you have a viable reason to study.

Importance of self-learning-

Self-learning helps a person in understanding the basic concept of learning and it says that everyone has to learn by himself at the end of the day. As you go deeper you start exploring new horizons that might have been a taboo in traditional form of learning and this can open further doors. Actively pursuing your goals single-handedly gives the learner the necessary confidence to deal with the eventualities of life by any means. Self-learning helps you to find the ground under your feet. It prepares you for the future where you have to work alone to reach your goal. The resilience and the immunity that you gain here are the key tools that will take you further in life.


It is not time-bound and is dependent upon the person who wants to learn for whatever number of hours he feels like. It gives him the opportunity to set his own pace and remove frustration and boredom from the equation

Learning is without any restrictions

Self-learning is not subjected to location-constraint as an individual can make use of the learning process from anywhere he pleases. He does not need to travel at a particular place at a specific time and this works in his favor

It boosts the self-esteem of a person because he knows that he has learned everything on his own. It also helps him to keep digging until he knows all there is to know about the topic.

When you are part of the traditional learning process you have to adhere to the prescribed set of rules, books and even way of studying but self-learning gives you the freedom to choose your mode of learning


You do not have readymade material at your disposal and whatever you need will have to be acquired through additional effort on your part

You will have to verify your study materials whereas in traditional learning method these were already verified beforehand

Working with others help in brainstorming which is not possible during self-learning

Teamwork encourages open communication that is not seen during the process of self-learning

There is no face-to-face interaction during self-learning

The lack of transformational power is a serious limitation of self-learning

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Resilience as a career concept is having a kind of heyday, with good reason. Flung into new ways of working, both at home and in newly dangerous roles, people all over the world were forced into adapting to the pandemic and economic crisis while doing their jobs

Confronted with the continued flow of bad news, some kept a bit more of themselves intact. The concept of resilience isn’t just about being knocked down and getting back up again. In a recent “Navigating the Turbulence of Covid-19” webinar, INSEAD Professor of Management Practice Narayan Pant spoke about how leadership resilience is the ability to emerge stronger from inevitable adverse circumstances

Resilience, choice and getting out of your own way-

our mental preparation for crises boils down to two responses: “If you're like a lot of the leaders I meet, you do one of two things. One, you try really hard to stop this bad stuff from happening. In fact, many of the people I know consider this their job description: ‘to make sure I minimise the impact of bad stuff happening by planning for all the bad stuff that can happen.’ The second thing people do is they try to ignore what might happen if they don't manage to stop the crisis Of course, stopping the pandemic or pretending it’s not there is not leadership. This is where resilience comes in – dealing with negative thoughts. Pant took the webinar participants through several exercises to help them “get to a place where you’re able and willing to work on raising your own resilience”. He didn’t promise resilience, instead he described a process

Practise, practise, practise-

Mindfulness is key to creating resilience, not only mindfulness meditation per se, but an awareness of thoughts. Pant explained that “meditation has relevance to building resilience”.      the understanding that there is nothing inherently good or bad about thoughts “gives us a lever and that lever is our thoughts and the choice in how we see them. Traditional cognitive behavioural approaches to managing thoughts look at the thoughts and beliefs that intervene between an external stimulus and our reactions.

One way to rethink the way you think about thoughts is how you express them. “Instead of saying, ‘I think we might miss our numbers this quarter’, articulate it as ‘I'm having the thought that we might miss our numbers.’ This might sound artificial, but it has a very powerful effect. It articulates the fact that this thought is a thing. It's not you.” Of course, none of this means we should not act in the external world. Rather, putting some distance between your thoughts and your response improves your decision making by making it more rational

Continuing resilience building-

“Practise developing a productive attitude when things don't turn out the way in which you expect. That's the core of resilience building – an attitude that comes from the ability to manage and regulate the way your thoughts impact you

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While choosing the places to save and invest in, experts suggest don't go randomly picking instruments. Note that your financial planning and your portfolio most importantly depend on your age along with risk profile and other factors.

Every decade of our life, from the time we start earning, commands a different approach towards how we invest our money. Having said so, there is a large number of people who struggle every day with financial literacy and get stuck in dire situations like huge debt or financial crisis during a disaster (like the coronavirus pandemic). A pandemic like this forces all of us to focus on our finances.

Here’s an overview of how the investment climate could change with your age:

Starting young in your 20s

For an individual in their early 20s, who has just started a career, may not have significant financial obligations and can afford to save a fair amount out of their earnings. Hena Mehta, Founder and CEO, Basis, says “While investing your money might sound boring in your 20s, starting young is easily the best way to get ahead. An adequate health insurance plan will take care of hefty medical bills and uninvited medical exigencies. It is cost-effective when taken early and therefore, a sensible choice to make in one’s 20s.” If you are working for a company that provides health insurance benefits, try to increase the cover if necessary, and also make sure to extend the cover to your parents if possible.

Reviewing your money in your 30s-

According to experts, 30s are the time to get serious with your finances by cutting down carefree expenses. Mehta says, “According to me, the 30s is the time to fortify one’s finances, sow the seeds of financial prosperity and reap their rewards for the rest of one’s life.”

You can start by allocating funds for long-term goals such as retirement. If you have goals like buying a house, you can start a kitty for the down payment of the house or focus on other goals like children’s education or any other long-term goals. Additionally, if you have already bought a life insurance policy, see if you are adequately insured.

Responsible investments in your 40s-

Mehta of Basis says, “If your 30s brought a whole new set of responsibilities like a flourishing career and a family, the 40s bring you more responsibility and angst about closing in on retirement. One of the most important things you can do for your finances at this stage is to pay off high-interest debt. It is also time to adjust your retirement account contribution.”

In your 40’s you will have to make sure you have sufficient life cover so that your family’s future is always financially secure. Another way to be prepared is by having an emergency fund that you can contribute towards every month

The youth of old age: the 50s-

By the time you reach this age group, if planned properly, your investment plans will be in place, providing you a comfortable, tension-free retirement. However, you can continue investing, but with a different approach. Note that investments, after you retire, should be aimed at maximizing your savings

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